@xdude85 said:
I actually go to Ohio State, and this is the first time I've ever heard of this.
I think people tend to blow this stuff out of proportion. It's college, a place for changing who you are, entertaining new ideas, and thinking you know everything at the age of 18-23 or whatever.
We need to see the college students, not hear them. Pat them on the head, say "Oh that's nice", and quietly take comfort in the fact that for all their bark, they have no bite. I was a college student once, the shit I used to "believe" in then was silly. I was a different person before college, different during college, different after college...wasn't until I hit 31 that I finally said "**** it" and now I think I have some consistency in who I am.
The point I'm trying to make is this: college students talk a lot, they do very little, let them protest and "check privelage" and whatever new-age hippies do these days. Just trust that they will grow out of it the second they're out of their little bubble and need to get a job.
No offense intended to you xdude, I'm talking about college students as a whole, not you specifically, i.e. "a person is smart, people are dumb" kind of argument.
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