Alright here's the story in a nutshell:
It's the 3rd of January, and the first day going back to school for second semester. Since I don't like to drive in the winter and walk up to school from the parking lot in the freezing, I elect to take the bus. So I begin walking to the bus with my huge winter coat, SUPER tired, when all of a sudden I hear the voice of a girl behind me say, "Is the bus stop around here?" It REALLY scared me lol, especially because I was so out of it! She laughed and I guided her to the bus stop. It was then I began to talk to her and I found out she is a new student and just moved into my neighborhood. So I welcomed her blablabla and I start to think to myself, I seem interested in this girl, is this god's gift for a new year? lol She than asked how old I was and I found out she was 2 classes below me haha. She then followed up by asking me if I thought she looked older than her age and I said yea bla bla :P
I've only seen her twice now and will only get 5 minute opportunities to talk to her everyday. Plus, we're the last stop so I can't sit with her as all the seats are full, especially in the winter. My question is, what should I do in this situation? Do you think she will like me or think I'm creepy cuz I'm an older guy? How should I talk to her more in the future, not at the bus stop? I'm not use to being in situations like this which is why I don't know what to do. I don't mean to brag either, but I'd say I'm a pretty attractive guy if that helps lol
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