OT lifetime achievement award
OT king
OT queen: mingmao, since he hates women so much.
OT jester: master_live
OT villain: thegerg
Best OT meme:
Best OT troll: thegerg
Best topic creator:
Best new user: Ashbee
Best mod: Hallenbeck
Who should be a mod: dave123321
Hey you post more: d3nnycrane, GreySeal, mattbppl, LZ71, MrPraline
Best buds(2-5 group of tight knit members): chessmaster, aljosa, dave123321, GreySeal, mattbppl < I interpreted this as who my best buds are on the forums.
Most under appreciated: Greyseal, mattbppl
Best American user: adx12
Best Canadian user: Aljosa
Best German user: We have german users?
Best user from Gaza: GazaAli, by default.
Best user from Denmark: ??
Best Mexican user: ??
Best Scott user: ??
Best of the rest(foreign user): indzman, Korvus
Best photographer
Best non-photographer artist
User who has the best use of gifs and image reaction pics: SaintLeonidas
Best thread
Worst thread
Topic of discussion that brought the biggest clash: Torture
Topic of discussion that grouped us together: Terrorism
Funniest thread: BluRayHiDef rage quit thread
OT'S Film nerd: SaintLeonidas
OT'S anime fanatic: DaVillain, top_lel/sheikhspeare
OT's tv couch potato: uninspiredcup
OT'S gamer
OT'S music geek
OT'S comic guy: Behardy
OT'S bookworm: Allicrombie
OT'S art buff
Nicest user: Korvus
Funniest user: dave123321, d3nnycrane, MrPraline
Pianist award for intelligence(smartest user): Chessmaster, MrGeezer, br0kenrabbit
Most robotic: thegerg
Best at debates: MrGeezer
Most eccentric: thegerg
User who gave best life advice
OT irl hero award
user with longest most rambiliest walls of text: theone, Subzero
Most present/active user: LJS
Best sig
Best avatar
Best username
Best sig designer
Best show: The Blacklist
Best movie: Interstellar
Best song
Best game: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Best book: The Martian by Andy Weir
Best album
Best artist (music)
Best actor/actress in a movie: Matthew McConaughey - Interstellar
Best actor/actress in a show: James Spader - The Blacklist
Best director of a tv show
Best director of a movie
Best tv cinematography
Best movie cinematography
Best movie screenwriter
Best tv writer
Worst OT troll: uninspiredcup, thegerg
Worst topic creator: loco, BluRayHiDef/emil_fontz
Most pretentious: theone, thebest
Worst debater: uninspiredcup, BluRayHiDef/emil_fontz
Armchair philosopher: BranKetra, GazaAli
Armchair scientist: BranKetra
Armchair critic: SaintLeonidas
Armchair political buff: master_live, whipassmt
Most stubborn: Alim, GazaAli, DaVillain, uninspiredcup
Bat shit insane: Grayf0x, uninspiredcup
Biggest try hard: top_lel/sheikhspeare
Creepy mccreepson: BluRayHiDef/emil_fontz(refer to master_live's post) and Jankarcop. For wanting to have sex with his sister.
I reserve the right to continuously edit this as I remember names.
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