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I'm going to list mine.
Snoop Dogg
Justin Bieber
Nicky Minaj
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extraordinarily skinny women NovotineI love skinny women, personally. Not bone-skinny, though.
Good man.kim kardashian
jessica alba
jessiba simpson
ellen page
they come to mind
Megan Fox.ghoklebutter
I kiiiiiinda agree with this. When she gets all dolled up like she would for award shows or something she looks TERRIBLE but if she just dresses normal and just keeps it average like for example how she looked in the Transformers movies I think she looks pretty fine.
[QUOTE="ghoklebutter"]Megan Fox.Deihjanand I nearly just woke up, so I'd rather not strain my head with thinking of people that I do not find sexy. I agree.
Why the hate on Jbiebz looks? Guys dating Selena Gomez.chilly-chillGotta agree, but he does look feminine, I bet she's gay
Looks like a ken doll
Oscar the grouch looks better than him.
Maybe because im not a dude i don't see it. But she looks like any other you see walking down the street.
Nothing attractive about this man. I've seen cashier guys at wal mart who are hotter than this guy.
doesn't look real. looks like wax version of himself.
[QUOTE="Fightingfan"]^ 2/10 Would not bang.chilly-chillI would smash just to say I did.
Jokes aside, even though I'm sure every guy in Hollywood as already been with that, me too. I need proof though, like maybe nudes of us together for brag rights with the bros.
Lindsay Lohan now.chilly-chillShe was soo pretty when she was a Disney chick, too bad she's a crack whore now.
My hand is 1000x better then this.
Another classic OT thread where posters are naming attractive celebrities they would never have a chance with in real life and calling them ugly just to be different. Like it makes them more awesome to call a good looking person ugly.
Seriously, if somebody can turn down an attractive woman over something as simple as the excuses people post here I really start to ask if the person making the claim even likes women.
I've seen train wrecks with boobs get laid just because of what they have between their legs being offered to men for free.
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