Alot of threads have been popping up saying i need help asking a girl out or asking for there number or even should i bring a condom;
but honestly what people do this!
You can say cause i am asking for advice... dont you have mates cant you ask them what to do? why dont you just do what you have to do
instead of asking for advice?
people that keep making these threads seem kinda geeky i dont like using that term but its true.
Topic 1
"Would you go out with a chubby girl?"
I mean what loser posts this its a bit horrbile isnt it? does it matter if there a little bit chubby? no wounder the poster doesnt have any
Topic 2
"so there's this american exchage school GIRL in my ****room" he asks for advice on which he should do; why just do it, and then you have people posting shave her hair make her say other words to teachers
wouldnt she ask her parents what it ment first and if she did say swearing words wouldnt she hate you?
Topic 3
"Yes..another girl problem thread"
Another girl problem and asking for advice sad aswell;
anyone agree that these people are sad?
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