Ummmm...ever heard of neuropsychology? Even if we had no objective method of investiagating consciousness, there's a difference between investigating it with an objective mindset and just throwing up one's hands and saying "you need faith!"
solipsism means that everything around you is a figment of your imagination. If i chop of your arm you'll realize i'm very real and not a figment of your imagination. So if you think i'm a figment of your imagination then you have a way of thinking that is wrong, you're thinking things that aren't there, so that's a psychosis. neuropsychology is a science but it won't give you the answer that you're looking for. They know a little about ten percent of the brain, so a lot less than ten percent. They may be able to decipher the brain in time but they will never be able to decipher a soul. Some things just can't be quantified in numbers As for faith. Just look at the stars. The nearest star is completely out of reach and the furthest ones a billion times further. If you think everything just started by itself then you have a right to believe that but i don't think it is like that , just like cars and computers don't exist just like that too, someone engineered it. I'm not saying we're engineered because that's looking at it in a scientific way but i do believe the universe and everything out there is more than stardust.Who's to say my arm isn't a figment of my imagination? Who's to say the pain I feel isn't a figment of my imagination? (without even getting into the ontological argument, pain is registered in the brain so it does require a cognitive aspect) You're assuming things are the way that you see them, and calling people who don't agree with that psychotic.
They know an awful lot about the brain. They've mapped many emotions, feelings, pain centers, and more; they've isolated chemical processes that affect psychology. I'd like to know where you're getting this ten percent number from, and what exactly you're referring to with it.
Prove there's a soul, then we can start talking about deciphering it.
Just because one does not understand something, or just because a certain phenomena seems complex, does not mean the explanation must be metaphysical. You can believe whatever you want, but just because the explanation seems complex or lies beyond current science does not mean the answer MUST be metaphysical.
If your arm would be chopped of , you would know it isn't your imagination, pain is one thing but you wouldn't be able to use it anymore to manipulate the world around you. You could still say it's still all fantasy but the strange part is, 7 billion people are experiencing the same fantasy then and apart from that we don't have a collective consciencenous, not even two people have a collective consciencenous. That's scientifically easy to determine.They may know a lot about the brain but still not a lot. We only know about ten percent and we don't fully understand that ten percent. I've read this on numerous places and saw it on numerous documentaries. I googled 'percentage of the brain know' and on the first link it's already mentioned in the article.
look at the last sentence of the article.
About the soul, this is wat i meant with conscienceness, You know it is there , i know it is there, otherwise we wouldn't be discussing it.
You can say certain phenoma or complex or aren't fully understood but we will never understand everything. When you talk about the vastness and complexity of the universe, we may think we comprehend it but we can never know for sure, it's too big. And as we understand it know , at a given time , the universe will cease to exist. We could traverse to other universes, if this is possible and even then , what if we know everything, that we mapped the whole universe, where's the end line , where's the border, what's beyond that end line? unlimited space? we can never know for sure because we couldn't have been everywhere.
For this very reason can science, with it's mathematical viewpoint , never explain everything. So it has to be something else like metaphyscial, religion, faith or another viewpoint.
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