[QUOTE="thepwninator"] You are sitting in front of a computer right now taking in as much information as possible, inciting discussion as much as possible. Why? Because you have a greed for knowledge, for self-affirmation, and for something to pass the time.
The quest for knowledge is the greatest quest one can go on, and it is indubitably a quest with origins rooted in greed. It is you who wants the knowledge for yourself. It is not one of the basic needs of your life, but you want it nonetheless. Your desire is therefore a greed for knowledge.
The search for knowledge is an instance of greed, but does that make it bad? I already asserted that the search is the greatest thing one can do. Therefore, since it is an instance of greed, but is not bad, it follows that greed is not inherently bad.
Greed is simply like hunger. It is not inherently bad. It is how you satisfy it that makes it good or bad.
I don't think that my want for knowledge is the equivalent to my greed for knowledge. It's also arguable whether or not knowledge is necessary, but I'll assume that it's not.
Do I want knowledge for my sake, or for knowledge's sake? I highly doubt the latter, since that makes knowledge inherently boring; there's no real end to the means but the means itself. If it is the former, then to what end do I want to apply my knowledge?
That brings us to the use of knowledge. Knowledge is garnered for future use in a given field, but almost invariably knowledge is given to somebody else through the form of teaching; on-the-job training, cIassroom teaching, teaching your children, and so on. So knowledge is not for my sake inasmuch as it's for the sake of those to whom I'll give that knowledge.
When we give something away, we call that charity, and charity is the opposite of greed. If I keep my knowledge to myself then that is greedily pursuing knowledge purely for my sake, and in turn I harm others by omitting the share of my knowledge, making greed inherently bad in this case.
So no, I do not agree that the pursuit of knowledge is one of greed nor do I agree that greed is in itself a good thing; I do agree that greed is natural and can garner good results on occasion, but I also contend that greed ALWAYS ends up becoming a bad thing either for the greedy person or the greedy person and people around him (such as when the greedy person does not share his knowledge).
I also disagree that searching for knowledge is the greatest thing a person can do, but that's another topic.
However, knowledge isn't something you can give away, as giving away implies that you will no longer have it after sharing it. Sharing your knowledge is not the opposite of greed, because you are not actually getting rid of something you have and actually want to have to give to someone else. It is, however, the opposite of miserliness, which I will agree is a bad thing.Greed lies in the pursuit, not after the time at which that which is pursued is obtained.
And I never said that greed itself is an inherently good thing. I am arguing against all of the assertions that it is inherently bad.
As I said, it is humanity's greatest merit and its greatest flaw-it can foster mankind's greatest advances and its worst atrocities.
If I give one hundred dollars to somebody and then gain one hundred dollars five minutes later, is the fact that I gave a hundred dollars away no longer charity?
If greed has nothing to do with the end and is only a means, then there should be no end; we define greed by what we obtain, not just how we obtain and why we want to obtain it. After all, there needs to be an "it" before we can want it, see?
I think mankind's greatest developments can be achieved independently from greed, but many of our worst atrocities are inherently linked with greed.
Ever read Ayn Rand?
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