Looks decent.
As long as we can pretend the current Star Trek series never happened....then yes, I'm ready for some more Trekking....
After watching CBS trailer, it was way better than I could have expected! Hope the story holds up but man, it was okay. We are so lucky to have the vast majority of Trek actors alive right now. This is the time to take advantage of that and explore more of their stories. Picard looks like it will give us some of that. For years, I've always wanted to see Picard and Seven interact on screen and it finally happens. I'm not hype for this but I'm more intrigued.
I am. Patrick Stewart's Star Trek movies is the only Star Trek I've watched so it's good to see him back.
Patrick Stewart at 79, and can still captivate an audience. I do generally trust his judgment. I have to admit that my faith in the project was shaken just a bit, when I saw him show up in the trailer for the latest reboot.
I am. Patrick Stewart's Star Trek movies is the only Star Trek I've watched so it's good to see him back.
Patrick Stewart at 79, and can still captivate an audience. I do generally trust his judgment. I have to admit that my faith in the project was shaken just a bit, when I saw him show up in the trailer for the latest reboot.
I read somewhere that he's been asked numerous times over the past years to return as Picard but he refused because he wanted to leave past as it is. But this time around he was really intrigued by what they're planning for his character. This sounds promising to say the least.
As long as there are no crew members from the newer films, unless its Zoe. Zoe and Kirk were the strongest cast members(of the crew). The rest were just Dawsons Creek.
As long as there are no crew members from the newer films, unless its Zoe. Zoe and Kirk were the strongest cast members(of the crew). The rest were just Dawsons Creek.
Those movies take place during a different time and different timeline.
TNG takes place about 100 years after the original show.
Voyager/DeepSpace9 took place simultaneously.
No. It looks absolutely terrible.
Not really sure how they could have done it, but this is not at all what I wanted.
@DEVILinIRON: I guess I hoped it would 1. look more like ST:TNG. 2. Include actors from ST:TNG. It should have really been a ST:TNG reunion show.
@DEVILinIRON: I guess I hoped it would 1. look more like ST:TNG. 2. Include actors from ST:TNG. It should have really been a ST:TNG reunion show.
So you want the same old same old rather than new?
@LJS9502_basic: Pretty much. I wasn't a big fan of the Treks that followed. So if they're going to bring back Picard, why not the rest? Even if only for like two seasons, just do a show where we see how all these other characters have gotten on in life. Would be more interesting than the BS they seem to be pulling.
At this point I am inclined to believe every rumor about it. Licensed by Amazon for peanuts, rushed, short on budget, abandoned by disgruntled licensees, caught in a sea of convoluted copyright issues, made by the same people who obviously had no idea what they were doing in STD. No. I will keep my distance.
At this point I am inclined to believe every rumor about it. Licensed by Amazon for peanuts, rushed, short on budget, abandoned by disgruntled licensees, caught in a sea of convoluted copyright issues, made by the same people who obviously had no idea what they were doing in STD. No. I will keep my distance.
Sounds about right.
Budget thing don't care too much about, as long as it would have good writing, Discovery looked like a movie, but it couldn't hide how empty and stupid it was. Doubt many people are even watching now.
Picard is arguably the best captain in the whole Star Trek franchise.
Patrick Stewart is an exceptional actor, and seems like a really great, young-at-heart person.
So yeah I expect it to do great things. I mean Stewart is still acting and still doing a great job at it.
@LJS9502_basic: Pretty much. I wasn't a big fan of the Treks that followed. So if they're going to bring back Picard, why not the rest? Even if only for like two seasons, just do a show where we see how all these other characters have gotten on in life. Would be more interesting than the BS they seem to be pulling.
I'd rather they move forward. Why can't they have new characters?
@LJS9502_basic: Pretty much. I wasn't a big fan of the Treks that followed. So if they're going to bring back Picard, why not the rest? Even if only for like two seasons, just do a show where we see how all these other characters have gotten on in life. Would be more interesting than the BS they seem to be pulling.
I'd rather they move forward. Why can't they have new characters?
Did with Discovery, but the characters were about as appealing as milk that's gone off.
If we're being honest as well, a lot of the (pre-DIscovery) shows had mediocre characters out of the few select stand-outs.
I think the only one that consistently across the board has compelling characters was Deep Space 9.
It's villain as well, Dukat, instead of a big space monsters or ultimate power-weapon was just, a really, really good character who evolved like Q whom was equally as good.
Are the Borg really that interesting? I don't think so.
Q Who made them interesting as it was (Q) not the Borg acting as the villain by demonstrating how full of themselves The Federation was.
Best Of Both Worlds? Pretty good I guess? But not a lot of meat on it's bones.
And then Voyager turned them into weekly cartoon villains, basically ruining whatever good was there to begin with.
@uninspiredcup: DS9? Those characters were annoying. Quark was okay. Worf but he came from TNG. He did make Jadzia more interesting.
Dukat was great until the end. Garak was good as well.
@uninspiredcup: DS9? Those characters were annoying. Quark was okay. Worf but he came from TNG. He did make Jadzia more interesting.
Dukat was great until the end. Garak was good as well.
Jadzia is about the only bad character imo, and that's because she is basically a perfect-Starfleet officer with no flaws. That's just boring, innit?
Fun fact - Garek was only suppose to appear in one episode, and throughout the show was still only listed as a guest-star than a regular.
That's something DS9 done really well, sprinkling in side characters who eventually naturally fit into the show, ending up being more compelling than the main characters in the other shows.
This character doesn't even get a name through the show. Just listed as "female changling"
She's better than any of the shit in Voyager, Enterprise and Discovery (or movies) by a landslide.
I'll see it for sure. I don't really get the hate for the new Star Trek movies personally. I'm TNG all the way, with DS9 in a close second. Just sit back and enjoy stuff once in a while.
I'll certainly watch it but I would have preferred something new with a new ship and new crew. I'm enjoying Discovery but it's very apparent it is struggling to tell new stories without overstepping the confines of the time period it is set in. The prequel nature just reminds me that I already know what happens in-universe when the show eventually ends.
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