Well I'm going to be as critical as I can, mostly because I also use blender, or I used to anyway (new versions out now).
Models: most of them seem rather simplistic which isn't exactly a bad thing because for most of the objects it works. The ones that stand out are the silhouette and those weird looking pill things on the table. For the pills you can kind of see the edges on them probably more than was intended so that could be easily done just increasing the poly count, doesn't seem like you are too bothered about that one considering the high poly count and smoothing for some of the other stuff in the scene. The silhouette just needs to have more detail to it but admittedly human models are hard to do and just out of question did you actually make the model and put it sitting on the bed or did you cheat and just use a 2d plane. 11/20.
 Higher poly count it is, and yes, I did just use a 2D plane ^^. No matter how hard I try, I can't do humans for my life. I tried for ages, couldn't get it.
Textures: Okay I suck at doing textures which is why this is the part where I just passed off my models to somewhere else. For the most part it just seems like the textures could just be higher res and that would fix it. The wood textures are great but if you want to try it out you might want to try doing some bump mapping so it feels a bit more like wood. The pills and pill bottle I think it looks like just need a texture because it looks like theres basically nothing on them. The bed and wall textures just need work. 8/20
I've never tried bump mapping in blender before (I did it in nifskope for some Oblivion mods), I might have a go at that. Also, higher res is pretty much impossible. I actually had to take the size of the textures down because they were crashing Blender, (and my computer's not slow!).Â
Scene: Probably the single best thing that the scene does. The placement of the the objects are good, the spartan look of the room is good and the only thing that I can really complain about is the lighting. It just doesn't seem as good as it could be but I can't really think what would fix it, I think if you just tried to experiment using spotlights you might get something that looks a little better. Also the moon at that place just seems like it should be giving the room a slightly more focused light than you have. 15/20
Very well, I shall experiment with light!Â
Camera: I can't actually think of anything wrong with the camera and not entirely sure why I don't just lump this one in with scene. 20/20
Yay \o/Â
Realism: Kind of covered this in some ways, I think the bed could possibly have some depth to it like perhaps to indent it where the guy is sitting on the bed. I complained about the lighting and it doesn't really reflect off of the materials right. Nothing a bit of bump mapping couldn't fix (I should probably go and look up how that works again, I can't quite remember all the steps to that). 14/20
More "fake physics" it is.Â
Also how long have you been using blender because its not bad. I mean the first model (M1A1 Abrahms tank) I made I didn't finish because I kind of had coursework and other stuff. But that was a year ago so I can't really remember all that stuff that well. Oh also UT map, never textured it but that was just to learn stuff.
I've been using blender for about 6 months I guess. I learned to use it so I could do Oblivion mods, but found that scenes were much for fun (because you get to model suicide?). I used to just copy objects out of the real world, but there's no creativity, so I started doing scenes ^^
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