Sadly they are not jokes, they are often power hungry lunatics, who are often bigoted toward race and social class. They are given a badge and gun, a licence to kill, and they seem very proud to exercise that power dynamic over sane, normal human beings.
Their job is to solve problems and often require them to deescalate a situation but not many are capable of doing this. They live in a bubble where they've convinced themselves that everyone is evil and out to do them harm so it often leads to them pulling their gun on someone for little to no legitimate reason. And of course because they are not properly trained this more often than not leads to negative interactions with people in the communities they are supposed to be protecting. They are almost never held to any kind of legal repercussions for their often illegal activities and of course many have convinced themselves that its acceptable to live in a society where we do not hold police accountable for their actions. Many are worse than the drug dealers they arrest, some are worse than the murderers they arrest and most are worse than the average citizen who they arrest, fine, harass, whatever they can do to wield their power over citizens.
There's a bit of a litmus test we can do with police. If they agree that officers should be held to the same legal standards as the public, with even harsher sentencing because of the power and legal authority that is entrusted in them when their illegal activities are shown to be intentional and not simply an act of circumstance.... well then you have a good officer who understands the importance of getting this right. If not, you have a problem. Sadly not too many officers will pass this test as most regularly lie under oath, plant drugs, plant guns, do anything they can do to help get that raise or to pocket some money.
Its hard to find a new clips or video on bad this story is. For those who do not want to read it, ill simplify it. Police had a snitch who told them this guy grew weed. The snitch placed some weed plants in this guys house a couple days before they raided. The guy noticed, obviously, and destroyed the plants but also became paranoid because someone had just broken into his house. So he legally buys a gun to protect himself and girlfriend/wife. A day or two later at between 4-5AM he hears someone trying to kick in his door, so he pops out of bed with his gun and fires through the door. This killed an officer and amazingly this kid was not executed on site. The officer died because of his snitch and because they didnt vocalize that it was the police coming through the door. The man ended up getting 8 years i believe, but during his trial there were like 13 jail house snitches who all claimed that he told them he was out to kill cops, including the original snitch. It ended up being demonstrated that these people were full of it, most never even living in the same housing unit as the kid but all making deals with police for reduced sentences. In other words, it was demonstrated that the police basically told these people what to say and instructed them to lie in court. They also said they announced who they were, but of course there was video and they didnt and blah blah blah. The amount of lying by this police force and illegal behavior was on par with any organized crime group. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/03/18/us/texas-no-knock-warrant-drugs.html
We also have the Alton Sterling case that involved police murdering an unarmed citizen, while he was on the ground and... it was basically an execution. If this was not bad enough the officer who did this arrested the shop owner, kept him in his car for six hours (illegally) , while that officer went inside the mans store and destroyed all video evidence of his crime. And of course the cop still has a job http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/06/us/baton-rouge-shooting-alton-sterling/index.html
And everyone knows the Walter Scott case where the man was shot six times i believe, in the back while running away and then the officer who did this planted a taser next to him, unaware he was being recorded and his fellow officers went along with his bullshit story.
We could spend all day posting these cases and how they are always viewed as an "isolated incident" and the especially stupid love to unironically use the term "a few bad apples" without understanding what that means..... that seems to happen every couple days (statistics suggest it happens roughly once every three to four days) but we always get the same defense from the same criminals who are also acting in this very irrational manner. The reality is if we had a functioning justice system that attempted to solve these problems, most of these cases would require the death penalty. Im not a death penalty fan but i do feel it serves a function in our society, it simply has to be used properly. Those who commit egregious crimes like serial killing, serial rape and murder or brutality, and of course those who commit crimes like murder, rape, torture, and are also the front lines of our legal system. Of the options i gave, the last one (the police) would be the only one that really helps to serve society and to ensure we maintain citizens rights. And nothing will change until we start holding police accountable for their criminal behavior. But hey, what do i know?
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