My brother wanted to go grocery shopping yesterday, and since he has a car and I don't I decided to tag along so I could pick up some food for myself. (I went yesterday despite only having 2 hours of sleep and being waaaaay over tired). So anyway, after arriving at SuperStore and picking out our groceries we decided to head over to self checkout. My brother started with his items first at our station, and as he was scanning them, he noticed that one of his items needed to be price checked because the scanner was saying one of his items was more expensive than it should be so he called a clerk over to help him. While he was talking to her, I started to scan my items, and I got to this block of cheese, and I tried scanning it, and it failed, then I tried scanning again and again and again. So I thought, **** it, I'll just try to scan it last, and I'll get everything else scanned first.
So after a couple minutes of scanning I come back to this block of cheese, and I try scanning it several more times, and my brother, and other people (including employees), are watching me, and my brother asks if he could try, so I let him and he can't scan it either. So at this point, I have had 2 hours of sleep and my brother was already getting a price check, and their stupid cheese doesn't want to scan, so I just throw it in my bag without scanning it, and start laughing (pretty loud). I didn't really care if anyone saw me, and I was acting calm, and cool (like I didn't give a **** because I really didn't). Then I stood there for like 5 minutes with my brother beside me getting a price check on his noodles from the manager of this giant SuperStore with 400 employees, and the manager kept staring me down. I admit when I stole the cheese I didn't try to conceal my actions, and in fact I was laughing like a mad man when I overtly threw the unpaid for cheese in my bag.
We left the SuperStore and no one approached us, and we drove home. As soon as we got home I went to bed because I was insanely tired, and when I woke up I remembered what I did, and I kind of felt bad. So my question to gamespot is: AM I A CRIMINAL?
(note: the cheese was roughly four Canadian dollars; and I spent about 27 Canadian dollars total yesterday on groceries).
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