Do you feel guilty when someone buys you a gift much bigger than the one you gave them? When you give someone a big-ticket item like a digital camera or gaming system, do you expect something of similar value (not necessarily monetarily) in return?
Every year my wife and I agonize over giving gifts. I say keep it small and thoughtful, but her family always makes me feel unintentionally obligated to buy big or many gifts. I definitely feel like, when I've received a $200 item in the previous year, I need to give back something impressive the following year.
Depends really. i normally have less money then the person giving me the gift. I tend to spend as much money as i can on the person, but it normally never tends to add up how much they spent on me.
for like my brothers we try and spend in a general price range for eachother so we all get something pretty good from each other but for other gifts it doesnt matter as long as its a good present and things like that
I think it's the thought that counts... if they put thought into a gift, it doesn't have to be big at all. If I want something decadent, I can always just buy it with my own hard-earned dough.
i think people should agree on a price range in advance. IF not people that spend TOO much shouldn't feel they should have got something more back. It always depends on the relationship and who makes more $. Like parents cant expect their kids (under 21) to spend as much $ on gifts for them.
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