Their is very little concievable use for starfighters in space warfare. Much less starfighters piloted by humans. Space warfare is going to be dominated ultimately by the bigger ship. The thing that makes it very difficult to apply flying, one man attack vehicles in space is the fact that... the objects they are attacking are ALSO flying. Weight also isn't a factor in space, (though mass and interia still are) so ships would be free to mount obscene amounts of weapons facing on all angles. As well as having far greater movement options.
In combination point defense systems, missiles, and anti-missile systems, the smaller vessel is not the vessel with the advantage in space combat.
In Star Wars' defense, while it depicts the use of starfighters, it very rarely depicts them being used without capital ship support. The attack on the Death Star was one, but that was primarily because the first Death Star lacked any serious light craft defenses. Though it's still retarded both the Impierals and Rebels don't use droid starfighters like the Seperatists.
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