A few minutes ago, I was watching the news and they were listing the top 10 ugliest celebrities. Immediatly, I thought about how horrible it is and how negative people can be.
So, my dear people, I've decided to make a positive thread, what I want you all to do is list one thing from your physical side that you like about yourself and one thing from your emotional side that you like about yourself. You could even list more than one from each if you like :) Also, list one thing you have accomplished that you're proud of. It could be anything from curing a disease to a high gaming score, as long as it means something to you.
Just let yourself and don't be hard on yourself, if you think you have a beautiful face, say so! If you think you're a hilarious person, speak up ^_^
I'll go first...
Physically: I'd have to say my eyes.
Emotionally: The ability to be strong through life without having to put a wall up (Yes, it's possible :P)
Accomplished: Finally learned what unconditional love is.
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