I'm not sure if there has been a topic along these lines on off-topic in the past. Anyways I've been wondering who the people behind the avatars and screen names of off-topic are. So post a picture, and if you like a little bit about yourself; where you're from etc. This isn't 'hot or not', so don't be mean about other people's photies!
So without further ado ... I'm Pete, from Edinburgh (Scotland). You may notice I am ginger, skinny and kind of dorky looking! You have my permission to make fun of me for these things if you wish! I have blurred out the faces of my friends as I'm not sure if they would want to have their image posted all over the internet. Plus it looks kind of cool in a creepy way.
:oops: There you have it. Now if you aren't too traumatised, go ahead and post a photie of yourself ...
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