I haven't seen one of these in a while, so I thought I'd create one. :P
Post your books that you'll gathered throughout the years. I have a lot more than in these pictures in my house; these are just the ones I spent my cash on, and are, therefore, mine :P
So here they are. Sorry for the quality.
A Song of Ice and Fire, my Halo novels, and a few other sci-fi books:
Most of my fantasy books. A stack of Asimov is hiding on the left. :P
All the Feist books are signed. :)
More Asimov, Eragon, and a few other books:
A pretty shaky photo, but here's The Witcher: The Last Wish, the LoTR trilogy, Ender's Game, Stormdancer, I am Legend, some Jeffery Archer, and a Tom Clancy and Peter James book that I haven't touched yet.
....and some books from when I was a younger reader. Except The Road. Not really a kid's book. :P
Books from when I was a hell lot younger.....
...not really books, but I thought I'd add my magazines and art books anyway :P
So, thoughts? And don't forget to post your own!
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