got anything interesting in the past to tell? post it in here so others can read :)
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I could go into the details but I think I would get modded. Lets just say I crossed a couple drug dealers around 9 years ago and they caught up with me a day after it happened. They tried to kill me but I dident die so easy. No guns were involved so it isnt some crazy race across a city for your life but it does involve me running for my life and they did try to break my neck. As I said I dont die so easy and put up a fight. That was quite a life changing night. If I could put more details here the story would make more sense but as said I know it would get modded.
I have also been jumped behind a gas station by 6 people that threatened to kill me. That was 7 years ago... Luckily things worked out and I am a pretty smooth talker and I got out of it. Though that was another scary as hell experience.
This was all when I was alot younger. I grew up alot since than and dont get myself into those kinds of messes anymore.
edit - The main thing I remember about the night with the drug dealers was the bigger of the 2 having his whole arm around my neck struggling with me. Saying Break Break. Yeah that really does haunt me still. Im just glad it dident go as bad as it could have and I got out of that crap.
a grizzly ripped the door off my tent, picked up an empty bag of food, found it empty, left it, went to our bear box which he SOMEHOW OPENED (why do they have those?), took a grocery bag of food, and sat down like 8 feet from my tent and ate for like an hour. that thing was like 6 ft while it was sitting on it's butt!
I would have shat myself.a grizzly ripped the door off my tent, picked up an empty bag of food, found it empty, left it, went to our bear box which he SOMEHOW OPENED (why do they have those?), took a grocery bag of food, and sat down like 8 feet from my tent and ate for like an hour. that thing was like 6 ft while it was sitting on it's butt!
a grizzly ripped the door off my tent, picked up an empty bag of food, found it empty, left it, went to our bear box which he SOMEHOW OPENED (why do they have those?), took a grocery bag of food, and sat down like 8 feet from my tent and ate for like an hour. that thing was like 6 ft while it was sitting on it's butt!
Im glad you survived that. Bears are vicious animals that show no mercy. See below for one example. Horrifying beasts =o
Almost falling and cracking my head open... and almost dieing from dehydration.
is that a blind guardian avatar you have there? back on topic i nearly died 4 times in 1 day and 2 of the events were caused by nooby doctors stabbing me in the heart and lungs while trying to insert a tube into my chest,might sound weird but it was one of the nicest feelings i ever had and was totally at peace with myself and was preparing to die
I have three stories to tell:
I was held up at gunpoint when I was 6 years old while hiking up a volcano with my family and friends in Guatemala, bastard took my Mickey Mouse wallet, don't really remember being that scared though.
Also, dozed off at the wheel on my first long road trip (9 hours straight), it was weird, I ended up instinctually turning the wheel towards the headlights I saw coming up in my sideview mirror on the left, almost side swiped them as they passed me, I pulled over after that and took a nap at a gas station.
And a final story, I was in Japan on a family trip and my dad, my brother, and I got on one of those amusement ride Pirate Ships that rock back and forth, we were in the very last seat and no one came to check our safety restraint bar that went across our lap, my dad has a big belly and we realized as the ride started that it hadn't *clicked* and locked into position, I can still remember him saying "Oh, God." and then the sense of panic that came over us, he literally had to hold us down so we wouldn't fall out and plummet to our deaths, I remember people having fun on the ride laughing and giggling, but we were screaming and crying for our lives, haven't been on of those since.
Are you kidding me? Must have been a fake gun or something....I would've gave it to him.....then kept walking. In retrospect, I was a dumbass to not give up the Ipod.[QUOTE="clayron"]Short version: Had a gun pointed at me. He demanded my ipod. I said, "No." He looked disappointed and ran off. I kept walking along.MgamerBD
I got one!
I was waiting inline to go in this ride. I forgot what its called... Its the one where you sit on a chair suspended by a chain connected to the ceiling of the ride then it lifts up and you get spun around.
Anyways while Me and some of my friends were waiting a shoe came shooting straight to my head.
It missed my head by about 2 inches. It hit my friends shoulder tho :P
Happened to someone Iwent to see.
Went to their antiques shop, start talking and chatting and I looked up and noticed a very large cast iron chandelier.
I called him over to ask him about some stuff in his shop and the second he walked away from under the chandelier it came crashing down.
Really weird, because when I looked up I had a very weird feeling, and rememberlookingup twice at it.
Good thing I called him away.
Short version: Had a gun pointed at me. He demanded my ipod. I said, "No." He looked disappointed and ran off. I kept walking along.clayronAre you kidding me? Must have been a fake gun or something....I would've gave it to him.....then kept walking. In retrospect, I was a dumbass to not give up the Ipod. At least you didn't get shot and he was the dumbass.
Happened to someone Iwent to see.
Went to their antiques shop, start talking and chatting and I looked up and noticed a very large cast iron chandelier.I called him over to ask him about some stuff in his shop and the second he walked away from under the chandelier it came crashing down.
Really weird, because when I looked up I had a very weird feeling, and rememberlookingup twice at it.
Good thing I called him away.JohnM1983
Dude that is weird, have you ever had any experiences with spirits / ghosts, sounds like at that moment you were in tune with something not-of-this-world and prevented it from hurting your friend. I do know from supernatural lore that spirits do not like iron, it is used as a barrier along with salt to keep spirits out or to harm them, maybe it got tired of running into the chandelier when it was flying overhead and decided to take care of things?
Happened to someone Iwent to see.
Went to their antiques shop, start talking and chatting and I looked up and noticed a very large cast iron chandelier.I called him over to ask him about some stuff in his shop and the second he walked away from under the chandelier it came crashing down.
Really weird, because when I looked up I had a very weird feeling, and rememberlookingup twice at it.
Good thing I called him away.10thwonder
Dude that is weird, have you ever had any experiences with spirits / ghosts, sounds like at that moment you were in tune with something not-of-this-world and prevented it from hurting your friend. I do know from supernatural lore that spirits do not like iron, it is used as a barrier along with salt to keep spirits out or to harm them, maybe it got tired of running into the chandelier when it was flying overhead and decided to take care of things?
He just got lucky. The thing was up there for years.
Three cases of it.
One, I died twice as an infant. Had some infantile seizures. Yeah. I died twice. I think thats more cool than life threatening or haunting, ya know, thinking like did I see something when I died, did I forget something that I may have saw, maybe I wasnt supposed to remember something....I dont know its weird.
And more recently, my dumbass friend died from underage drinking. We were just at a party, and some idiot was trying to be funny with beer in his hand, and my friend started drinking some. I should have stopped him. I feel so terrible. He took a gulp and died. Just fell over. Man I feel because of that I never plan on drinking alcohol. With that and my dad being a huge alcoholic, the only good thing i see from it is in the movies. Its a terrible thing, I dont see why it exists.
And another case when I was like 9, we were at a church pool party (back when I went to church) and another friend of mine jumped off of the diving board and landed on somebody. I rushed to see if the person was hurt, and I completely forgot about my friend because I was thinking what is his problem. But my friend never came back to the surface. Some random girl jumped in, and thats when I realized something happened. The doctors said he broke his neck and drowned. What a world, man, I mean he was a nice guy, a huge christian, never got in trouble.
Three cases of it.
And more recently, my dumbass friend died from underage drinking. We were just at a party, and some idiot was trying to be funny with beer in his hand, and my friend started drinking some. I should have stopped him. I feel so terrible. He took a gulp and died. Just fell over. Man I feel because of that I never plan on drinking alcohol. With that and my dad being a huge alcoholic, the only good thing i see from it is in the movies. Its a terrible thing, I dont see why it exists.
How perplexingWhen I was younger I jumped for some high up monkeybars. I slipped off and fell onto my back, knocking all the wind out of me. My head landed right next to a giant wooden step. It was the first ever time I had the wind knocked out of me, and the worst. I panicked so much I had no idea what to do. I couldn't breathe at all. It was horrrrrible.
Three cases of it.
And more recently, my dumbass friend died from underage drinking. We were just at a party, and some idiot was trying to be funny with beer in his hand, and my friend started drinking some. I should have stopped him. I feel so terrible. He took a gulp and died. Just fell over. Man I feel because of that I never plan on drinking alcohol. With that and my dad being a huge alcoholic, the only good thing i see from it is in the movies. Its a terrible thing, I dont see why it exists.
How perplexing One of the weirdest days of my life.I got caught at knife point, then i looked down it was a butter knife i kicked him away and he ran off it was a weird day.shadowkiller11Careful man, my brother stabbed me with one of those things and it kinda hurt. Well it was sharp on one edge. It was like a butter/semi sharp knife.
And more recently, my dumbass friend died from underage drinking. We were just at a party, and some idiot was trying to be funny with beer in his hand, and my friend started drinking some. I should have stopped him. I feel so terrible. He took a gulp and died. Just fell over. Man I feel because of that I never plan on drinking alcohol. With that and my dad being a huge alcoholic, the only good thing i see from it is in the moviesTHE_BRUTALIZERHe just fell over and died from drinking beer? Just a gulp? Something doesn't seem right.
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