The puppet sits in the oval office. The shadow of the obelisk enters the oval in congress. The eagle has spread wings to the left and right, where both wings are counted by 32 feathers. This tradition of the Roman Empire has proven true that the man who is emperor gives a fool to preside over a corporation for a short period. The goal was never to lead a nation. The purpose is to war, and give sacrificial offerings to Ilu and Uranus.
The farce that is Barry Soetoro, and Mitt Romney, are the perfect actors who take center stage to deliver salvation to a cesspool that blames government instead of themselves and their debt crisis. They are the salt to the wound.
Of course it is far easier to blame thoses in power. Never blame thyself. The scapegoat is always sought by the fools who rave and become lunatics whence their sin rises in the night. Forget Samash, worship the sin instead.
"That which has been, will be. That which has been done, will be done again. And there is no new thing under the sun." KJV: Eccl (1:9).
The lie continues. More puppets. More drama. More simulacra. The Roman Empire never declined. The USA is a fascist power. The sticks are bundled with a hachet that will be used with godhead.
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