So my GF tells me today that she has a lump on her back, and apparently its pushing her rib cage up. She didnt tell me whether or not it hurt or how long its been there. I havent seen it. so I dont know. She told someone she knows who asked her doctor, and the doctor said it could be a tumor. I honestly dont know the first thing about tumors, aside from the fact that if they're malignant, then it could be cancer and that really has me worried.
I need to know how it got there, how to get rid of it, or if it's even possible to get rid of it (just waiting till it goes away or some sort of surgery), if its even a tumor, and how to know if it's dangerous. Im seriously worried here, and it just hit me really hard that this could be something bad.
I dont want to be worried over nothing, but I cant help it. Anyone have some words of advice or some knowlegde on this sort of subject? I would appreciate it so much more than you know.
And please, no joking around about this sort of thing. Im really worried here.
I've had a tumor in my chest since I was twenty, so I'll tell you what I know. Now I'm not a doctor; this is from first hand experience and from what I've been told from numerous physicians.
- The first step the doctors will take is to give her a general examination (blood tests, etc) and determine if she needs to have an X-RAY, CAT scan, or MRI. Different tissues sometimes do not show up on particular imaging, so she may have to go through multiple scans.
- If a mass is found, a biopsy will be ordered. I had two needle and two surgical biopsies. Depending on where the tumor is located and how large it is, it will be either just one or both. If they are unable to obtain a good sample through needle, surgery may be required.
- The outcome of the biopsy will determine the course of treatment. There are MANY, MANY different types of cancers, how they react, if they are resectable (removable), what type of treatment has been proven to be effective in the past against it (if it is found to be cancer...or even if it's not.)
I have a benign lemon sized mass in my chest and get weekly infusions (chemo injections) to attempt to shrink it, even though it's not 'technically' cancer. Cancer is defined by malignancy (the ability of the cell's ability to break off from the main tumor and travel around the body to begin a new growth.) If it's not resectable because of close proximity to organs etc, alternate options must be considered, and usually it's always chemo. Not always, but in most cases.
I don't know what other advice or info I can offer until further unformation is given, except to get her seen ASAP. Do not hesitate, I'm talking like within a few days. It could be a harmless cyst (let's hope so) but any lump is not to be ignored. I hope this helps.
Here's hoping forthe best for you and her, good luck.
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