Please, insult me as much as possible for creating a religion thread, then reply intelligently.
I was raised Catholic, and attended a Catholic school for 9 years. Around the time I was 17 I decided I was Agnostic for many reasons. Here are a few problems I have with Christianity in general:
Christianity states that if you do not accept and acknowledge Jesus Christ you will go to Hell.
My problem with this: Essentially, this is saying that there are people on this earth that have virtually no chance of getting into heaven. For example, a man living in an isolated tribe in Africa that still worship "false gods" will go to Hell, even though he has no means whatsoever to learn of Jesus or Christianity. The only argument I've ever had against this "island man theory" is that there are missionaries. First off, there is NO WAY that missionaries have touched every inch of this globe. Not only that, but supposing they do reach a tribe of people. I would assume that this tribe would treat the intruder much like we look at a Jehova's Witness coming to your doorstep. Also, many cultures have very serious repurcussions for leaving their chosen faith. How can a just God be expecting a man to leave his religion at the cost of his life? Why would it be so much easier for someone living in America with the freedom to take up a new religion to get into Heaven than a man living under an oppressive government? And at the same time, Christianity preaches a just God. Sounds like a big contradiction to me...
Another problem I have is loosely connected with the above: most people are of circumstantial faith. By this I mean that the majority of Christians have parents who were Christian. Their parents were Christian, and their parents, and so on and so forth- traced all the way back through your ancestors to Europe where the faith was at it's highest. So, in other words, I have a MUCH better chance at getting into heaven just because I have ancestry traced back to Germany and Ireland than someone else who ancestry is traced back to Asia, and is therefore Buddhist. I don't buy it.
I have many more problems with the faith, but I don't want to upset too many people here so I'll leave it at that.
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