@doozie78 said:
So, they're fighting for segregation? Now that's irony.
But it's not racist. Only white people can be racist, since their racism is backing a systemic power structure that influences policy and laws to hurt black people. If black students push for segregated spaces, they're not being racist, because they're trying to change a system, laws, and structures to help their race at the expense of other races. wait...............
That's the dipshit logic that BLM and it's supporters are pushing into the culture. The little thought experiment to disprove this nonsense hypothesis is as follows:
White person says "I hate all black people, and want them to die!"
Black person says "I hate all white people, and want them to die!"
In the BLM, segregationist mind, the white person is representing a structure of oppression with what he is saying. The black person is merely prejudiced, because the black person does not represent a structure. It should be pretty easy to see past this fallacy. The white person saying that statement is not representing any structure of racism, nor pushing for anti black laws or structures. This racist is simply speaking as an individual racist. Now, what the BLM people do not seem to get is that when the black person says that racist statement as well, it also has nothing to do with structural racism, laws or systems, it is simply a racist statement.
I wonder what BLM would say about racism deriving from structural oppression, if say, tomorrow blacks accounted for 70% of America, and whites accounted for 13%. Would that then mean that all blacks are racist, and whites cannot be racist? The blacks are in the position of power, so does the same not apply? Theses groups demonstrate casuistry at it's worst. They're arguments sound well meaning, but in pushing for equality, they silence free expression of those deemed in the out group, and they push for literal segregation. These people do not represent liberal principles, they represent a soft fascism.
In microcosm, BLM is the fascist equivalent of "I'll just stick the tip in, slowly." followed by a deep, hard thrust.
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