[QUOTE="SuperMaWiiOH"][QUOTE="Roland1987"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"][QUOTE="SuperMaWiiOH"]I'm prior service military and was the first of my friends to move out. A few years have passed, I'm back home with mommy and daddy which sucks, not making enough money so I'm enlisting again. Anyways I have this friend who is about to be 22 years old. He hasn't worked anything except a summer job since he was 17. He hasn't went to school or anything. All he does is sit around, watch bad TV shows, and goes to the gym and works out. He wants to be a body builder. He doesn't go out anywhere, doesn't wanna go anywhere, a huge homebody. Anyways, I made a blog on my myspace about why I was enlisting in the military again and how I believe anyone who is out of HS and not in college should be working full-time.
Anyways I'm just wondering, how old do you think someone needs to be before they pop their mommas you know what outta their mouth and grow up?
I'm in the military right now, so probably not the best judge of advice. However, I'll drop my 2 cents. If you're out of High School for over a year, not in college, and working a dead-end job you need to change something. Either go to college through loans, or join the service. If he wants to be a body builder, why doesn't he look into special ops for the Air Force? We're offering pretty decent sign on bonuses for Pararescuemen, SERE, and Combat Controllers.
Some people have no interest in "joining the service" and don't support the milatary, signing up is the last thing a lot of people would rather do. I'm in school full time, i'm in it because i enjoy it and have (some) idea what i want to do, however it makes no sense to suggest that everyone should go to college simply because they are out of highschool. If you don't want to be in univeristy, you won't succeed there. You aren't going to do well just because people tell you that is where you should be.
This kid living at home without a job, it really doesn't effect you, who are you to tell him how to run his life?
College isn't for everyone, neither is the military. People have to grow up and make decisions on their own, that's the beauty of life.
I agree, college and the military isn't for everyone. He could get a job. He lies and says he goes out and puts applications in, but no one wants to hire him. He claims people just have a profile on him, people just have a vibe and won't hire him, which is just him being stupid. There are tons of mentally disabled people in this world with jobs, no excuse he can't have one.
people hire retarded people because it would be looked at as discrimination if they didn't.I currently work at a grocery store. Every Wednesday mentally disabled kids from a local high school come and work. They could sit around and have the government pay their way through life but they don't.
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