I have 3 roommates this fall and I'm not sure how it's gonna go. Someone please help me with these weird questions I have:
1.) What are the chances that someone is gonna have plumber's crack? how often
2.) How often do roommates generally fight?
3.) What are the chances I'll get the misfortune of seeing a roommate naked?
4.) Seeing someone masturbate
Haha weird questions but I'm prepared for anything...
I spent 3 years living in military dorms, shared living. I'll answer as best I can.
1.) My gathered statistics show an 89% chance of seeing a plumber's crack in the morning. Every day.
2.) This depends on how much they drink, and what type of drunk they are. If your room mates are the typical "tough guy drunks," I reccomend investing in a Red Man suit and wear it when the liquor is brought out.
3.) The longer you live together, the less you're going to care. You have about a 99.9% chance of seeing one or both of them naked a few times.
4.) Hopefully not. You'll hear it though. It will wake you up. You will be mad.
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