Well I am in eigth grade and I am closing in on freshman class registrations. I have been really thinking about what kind of classes to take in my freshman year of High School.
In 6th grade I did Pre-Algebra and in 7th grade I did algebra. Algebra was sort of hard for me in seventh grade, as to be honest school has generally been so easy for me that during fourth quarter when algebra suddenly got so much harder, I was not prepared to do well in it, because I did not have the study skills. I have never been one to study much for tests, as generally paying attention in class for me has worked. In 7th Grade, I got A, A, A, and C+ in Algebra as my quarterly grades.
Well I decided to repeat Algebra in eigth grade, which I sort of regret doing. I have learned many study skills since then, and I feel that if I had put even a little bit of effort, I could have turned that C+ into a B+ or an A- and would have felt that it was right to continue on to Geomotry in Eigth grade.
Well anyway, I have really improved my study skills and have been doing good in eigth grade so far.
I also joined the student council, and was able to rise up to an executive position very quickly. I have been told by the man that leads student council that he will ensure that I have a spot freshman year on the high school student council, as I have really put a lot of work into it this year.
So I have a few questions:
First off, how many honors classes is it wise to take freshman year? I am a fairly smart and self directed person when it comes to school. All of the teachers have been telling me that its roughly an hour of homework a night, but then again, when the teachers say it is a thirty minute assignment, I can generally finish it in fifteen. I am a fast worker. I feel that I can handle about two hours of work a night, with three or four every once in a blue moon at the most.
I have been thinking that since math is by far my easiest subject, and I am a very mathematical person, I should take honors geomotry. I also have been thinking about honors world history, as I am a good reader.
Is two honors classes a good plan, or should I take three? The third one would probably be biology or something science-related.
Also, I know that colleges look for extra-curricular activites, and I plan to join student council freshman year and continue all four years of college.
I am also thinking about joining cross country, as I really enjoy running. Running is the only sport I care for however.
Lastly, at my school you have the option of french, spanish, or hebrew. I took french 1 in 7th/8th grade, but however if there is one area I really struggle, it is language. I hate languages to be honest, as it is not easy for me to do well in them as I simply do not enjoy them that much. In high school, I can either start in Spanish 1 or French 2. Spanish seems a lot easier than french to me, which would probably get rid of a lot of my frustrations. What do colleges look at in terms of language? 2, 3, or 4 years?
And in difficulty, how does french compare to spanish?
My lifelong goal is to go to Michigan state.
I would really appreciate some advice guys, thanks.
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