10/10. Best movie from Batman Trilogy. People consider DARK KNIGHt better only for Joker. Theme , Story, Action wise Begins was superior all the way.
10/10. Best movie from Batman Trilogy. People consider DARK KNIGHt better only for Joker. Theme , Story, Action wise Begins was superior all the way.
It's pretty good, generally find it the most re-watchle of the three and the one you're most invested in the characters.
Love parts of Rises, namely Bane. It's a great performance and although a characters redesigned, close the comic version. The opening chase and fight scene are very good. The final fight scene is extremely poor imo, and the movie just turns into a bloated mess.
Mask Of Phantasm is still best Batman movie imo. The Dark Knight Returns 1/2 is also very good, too bad they decided to separate it.
Second best in the batman Trilogy and yes I think the Dark Knight is better and it's mostly due to the Joker he steals the show in that movie it's a legendary performance that you rarely see in movies these days.
Speaking of personal feelings, I'd like to rate it as a 6/10, but it would be an injustice to the film's high production value. Personally, I thought that the film lacked atmosphere, entertaining villains, or anything resembling decent fight choreography. Be that as it may, the character focus was well handled, the film was well acted, and everybody else seems to really like it. Personally though, I think that this film is an over-praised precursor to a much better one but then again, Batman Begins did revitalize Batman films right after that horrible Batman & Robin which really hurt the Batman film image for a long time until Nolan came and save the day.
+ I liked the serious tone
+ I liked the acting(mostly)
+ I liked the plot
- Horribly shot action sequences
- Missed opportunity on the use of The Scarecrow
- Unnecessary origin story that dragged on
- Poorly choreographed fights
- Katie Holmes is the most boring actress of all time
- The mob bosses were too cartoonish considering the tone
- Unnecessary origin story that dragged on
Aside from Mask Of Phantasm it was really the only origin story up until that point.
The other movies focused more on the villains.
Agree about Katie Holmes, but it's kind of a problem with all of his movies, everyone sounds like a dead-pan philosopher than a human-bean.
Batman Begins is easily my favorite of The Dark Knight trilogy.
I feel like it is simply one of the greatest origin stories out there for any comic book movie, also the city of Gotham is the most fully realized in Batman Begins. One thing that has always bugged me about The Dark Knight and its latter film was I felt there was a big tonal shift in the film, and most particularly how Gotham was portrayed. Gotham is supposed to be a fictional/fantasy city riddled with crime making for Batman's playground, and Batman Begins really brings that city to life. It does not feel like just any city that we see in real life, it feels like Gotham. For some reason when The Dark Knight came out, I felt like the characterizations of Gotham got completely flushed out the window and TDK feels more generically just like any other city - or more particularly the city just looks like New York City - and that has always been a big bugger to me.
Am I the only one that has noticed this or been bothered by that?
- Unnecessary origin story that dragged on
Aside from Mask Of Phantasm it was really the only origin story up until that point.
The other movies focused more on the villains.
Agree about Katie Holmes, but it's kind of a problem with all of his movies, everyone sounds like a dead-pan philosopher than a human-bean.
To be honest Cup, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is what Batman Begins should have been. I really love Mask of the Phantasm, it was the only time I ever saw Bruce Wayne smile and happy at the same time when he was with Andrea.
Eh not as good as the DC animated stuff. Christian bale was a great batman, terrible Bruce Wayne. In saying that, it's hard for anyone to act two distinct roles. I feel like you would really need to hunt for an actor to play both (Ben Affleck was never right). I liked the movie but it wasn't great IMO.
Batman Begins is easily my favorite of The Dark Knight trilogy.
I feel like it is simply one of the greatest origin stories out there for any comic book movie, also the city of Gotham is the most fully realized in Batman Begins. One thing that has always bugged me about The Dark Knight and its latter film was I felt there was a big tonal shift in the film, and most particularly how Gotham was portrayed. Gotham is supposed to be a fictional/fantasy city riddled with crime making for Batman's playground, and Batman Begins really brings that city to life. It does not feel like just any city that we see in real life, it feels like Gotham. For some reason when The Dark Knight came out, I felt like the characterizations of Gotham got completely flushed out the window and TDK feels more generically just like any other city - or more particularly the city just looks like New York City - and that has always been a big bugger to me.
Am I the only one that has noticed this or been bothered by that?
No I noticed it too. It was a very generic city.
Eh not as good as the DC animated stuff. Christian bale was a great batman, terrible Bruce Wayne. In saying that, it's hard for anyone to act two distinct roles. I feel like you would really need to hunt for an actor to play both (Ben Affleck was never right). I liked the movie but it wasn't great IMO.
Batman Begins is easily my favorite of The Dark Knight trilogy.
I feel like it is simply one of the greatest origin stories out there for any comic book movie, also the city of Gotham is the most fully realized in Batman Begins. One thing that has always bugged me about The Dark Knight and its latter film was I felt there was a big tonal shift in the film, and most particularly how Gotham was portrayed. Gotham is supposed to be a fictional/fantasy city riddled with crime making for Batman's playground, and Batman Begins really brings that city to life. It does not feel like just any city that we see in real life, it feels like Gotham. For some reason when The Dark Knight came out, I felt like the characterizations of Gotham got completely flushed out the window and TDK feels more generically just like any other city - or more particularly the city just looks like New York City - and that has always been a big bugger to me.
Am I the only one that has noticed this or been bothered by that?
No I noticed it too. It was a very generic city.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. I feel like no one ever addresses this issue as if there was never a tonal transition between the movies, or that people just never seemed to notice or care. It never made sense to me. Batman Begins is very highly realized with its Gotham World. It looks very classically a fictional city right out of the comic books and not something that's just 'on-location' somewhere in this world. It seemed like they put a whole lot into developing the city of Gotham in the first movie. The Dark Knight suddenly all looks 'on-location' with a New York City setting. That really frustrates me they changed into having a generic real-life city with the name Gotham slapped over it for the proceeding films.
I get it, The Dark Knight is great - and mostly because of Heath Ledger's performance more than anything else - but something tells me Heath Ledger sucked up all the budget so they had to quietly do on-location cinematography ruining the allure and realization of Gotham City that was shown off in the first film.
That's one of the major reasons why I think Batman Begins is the best of the trio. It is the most highly realized and fantastical of the Batman films. It's one of the best origin films. It's the origin film I think other comic book movies should take notes from in terms of how to construct an origin film that does not feel cookie-cutter. I highly enjoy and appreciate everything that the first film did more so than what was done in the other two.
- Unnecessary origin story that dragged on
Aside from Mask Of Phantasm it was really the only origin story up until that point.
The other movies focused more on the villains.
Agree about Katie Holmes, but it's kind of a problem with all of his movies, everyone sounds like a dead-pan philosopher than a human-bean.
To be honest Cup, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is what Batman Begins should have been. I really love Mask of the Phantasm, it was the only time I ever saw Bruce Wayne smile and happy at the same time when he was with Andrea.
That's true, and she serves an important purpose in the movie showing what could have been for Bruce and what could have been for Batman. She's a great character.
I honestly can't remember much as to the point of Racheal Dawes in Batman Begins, in both movies he kinda just mumbles now and again he wuves her, it's like Anakin Skywalker level romance where just saying the line means it is.
8/10. Great superhero film, but nothing mindblowing.
For the time it was and basically what kick-started the superhero craze, the reboot craze and a darker grittier tone.
Stuff like James Bond were directly influenced by it. Pretty sure as well this includes Marvel.
The incredible revelation that, if you get someone talented, to make a good movie, instead of just trying to flog toys, it could potentially make more money than the movie just trying to flog toys.
@uninspiredcup: That's reason to hate it.
In general I just find Nolan films consistently mediocre to average. While not a particularly great game I think Arkham Asylum did more than the Dark Knight trilogy to show off what makes Batman great.
@uninspiredcup: That's reason to hate it.
Not really, prior to Batman Begins the majority of live action superhero movies were garbage.
Exceptions being Blade (itself somewhat dated) and Xmen, which vary greatly in quality.
The ironic thing being, they already had a great Batman and expanded universe, it was just animated.
@uninspiredcup: The implication to what I said is that I still think the majority of them are garbage, though personally I liked the Tim Burton Batman films but I wouldn't call them masterpieces just entertaining action flicks.
The reboot craze has resulted in a ton of crap itself.
@uninspiredcup: The implication to what I said is that I still think the majority of them are garbage, though personally I liked the Tim Burton Batman films but I wouldn't call them masterpieces just entertaining action flicks.
The reboot craze has resulted in a ton of crap itself.
I adore Batman Returns, but it's not really a Batman movie.
@uninspiredcup: I don't know what you mean by it's not really a Batman movie.
It's a Tim Burton using the Batman IP. None of the characters (Batman included) resemble the comics.
Warn Bros was desperate for him to "return" after 89', and his conditions were "let me do whatever I want".
The irony of this being, it's the reason TAS exists, the most definitive version.
@uninspiredcup: I never read the comics.It seems more tonally consistent with the animated series and what I generally see the Batman franchise being like than Nolans films. I dont think Heath Ledgers Joker resembles the joker much at all but people make his performance out to be untouchable.
@uninspiredcup: I never read the comics.It seems more tonally consistent with the animated series and what I generally see the Batman franchise being like than Nolans films. I dont think Heath Ledgers Joker resembles the joker much at all but people make his performance out to be untouchable.
Nolans Batman is closer to the comics. Begins is very, very close to Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight: Rises, somewhat loosely to Knightfall, instead of following a very simple premise, it turns into a clusterfuck towards the end.
In regards to the Joker, he is taken from "The Man Who Laughs"
There are very many different interpretations of Batman across the board, and that's great. The problem with Tim Burtons is that he had 0 interest in the first place, it's so far flung and disinterested in the character, it might as well be considered an alternate reality.
From a personal viewpoint, I think TAS is the definitive Batman, with Mask of Phantasm the best movie.
If you're talking absolute adherence to the source material,it would unquestioningly be The Dark Knight Returns. Some very, tiny minor things are changed, but it's almost a 1/1 of Frank Millers comic. Superb movie as well, voiced by Robocop.
For comparison to see just how badly it can be done (presuming you haven't already), check out the god awful Killing Joke.
@uninspiredcup: Heard plenty about how bad The Killing joke is. Would you consider the 89 Tim Burton a real Batman movie though? I mean I'm not familiar with the comics so I can can only go off what I found entertaining and better resembles what I imagine Batman to be like. In general I just dont like many superhero films or anything I've seen by Nolan. If I saw Phantasm I imagine I'd agree it's the best though.
@uninspiredcup: Heard plenty about how bad The Killing joke is. Would you consider the 89 Tim Burton a real Batman movie though? I mean I'm not familiar with the comics so I can can only go off what I found entertaining and better resembles what I imagine Batman to be like. In general I just dont like many superhero films or anything I've seen by Nolan. If I saw Phantasm I imagine I'd agree it's the best though.
I mean it's closer than Returns, for sure. It's just not (again opinion) what i'd call a great movie.
@uninspiredcup: I wouldn't call it great either I just think it's more entertaining than other superhero films I've seen.
@uninspiredcup: I never read the comics.It seems more tonally consistent with the animated series and what I generally see the Batman franchise being like than Nolans films. I dont think Heath Ledgers Joker resembles the joker much at all but people make his performance out to be untouchable.
Nolans Batman is closer to the comics. Begins is very, very close to Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight: Rises, somewhat loosely to Knightfall, instead of following a very simple premise, it turns into a clusterfuck towards the end.
In regards to the Joker, he is taken from "The Man Who Laughs"
There are very many different interpretations of Batman across the board, and that's great. The problem with Tim Burtons is that he had 0 interest in the first place, it's so far flung and disinterested in the character, it might as well be considered an alternate reality.
From a personal viewpoint, I think TAS is the definitive Batman, with Mask of Phantasm the best movie.
If you're talking absolute adherence to the source material,it would unquestioningly be The Dark Knight Returns. Some very, tiny minor things are changed, but it's almost a 1/1 of Frank Millers comic. Superb movie as well, voiced by Robocop.
For comparison to see just how badly it can be done (presuming you haven't already), check out the god awful Killing Joke.
Man, Batman just isn't the same in digital animation. Looks bad.
@uninspiredcup: I never read the comics.It seems more tonally consistent with the animated series and what I generally see the Batman franchise being like than Nolans films. I dont think Heath Ledgers Joker resembles the joker much at all but people make his performance out to be untouchable.
Nolans Batman is closer to the comics. Begins is very, very close to Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight: Rises, somewhat loosely to Knightfall, instead of following a very simple premise, it turns into a clusterfuck towards the end.
In regards to the Joker, he is taken from "The Man Who Laughs"
There are very many different interpretations of Batman across the board, and that's great. The problem with Tim Burtons is that he had 0 interest in the first place, it's so far flung and disinterested in the character, it might as well be considered an alternate reality.
From a personal viewpoint, I think TAS is the definitive Batman, with Mask of Phantasm the best movie.
If you're talking absolute adherence to the source material,it would unquestioningly be The Dark Knight Returns. Some very, tiny minor things are changed, but it's almost a 1/1 of Frank Millers comic. Superb movie as well, voiced by Robocop.
For comparison to see just how badly it can be done (presuming you haven't already), check out the god awful Killing Joke.
Man, Batman just isn't the same in digital animation. Looks bad.
I agree, it's abit to clean and soft looking. Using the same technique as Dragonball: Broly where it gives the illusion of slightly rough pastel hand drawn art would have helped.
"Looks bad" is abit hyperbole though, it's designs are basically a 1/1 with some pretty good action sequences better than the majority of Batman stuff. The fight climax at the end is leagues better than Zack Snyder's, which probably cost a hundred times more to make.
The voice actors are better as well. Mark Valley nails it as superman, no mopey alien supergod with chip on shoulder, he's idealistic, reasonable and basically everything Superman should be. Peter Weller as grampa Batman is perfect casting.
Would argue the music score is better as well, there's only so many times you can here the inception music.
It's just another case of DC animation Donald Trumping the more expensive live-action stuff as Phantasm did.
@uninspiredcup: Never watched Batman vs. Superman or Man of Steel, but I never liked seeing the two of them in the same universe. The Supergirl episode in The New Batman Adventures was alright just because it was lighthearted. Still, it devalues Batman's struggle having this ultra human alien fighting crime on the same planet. The animation is ugly, sorry. There isn't even much movement outside of the fights, which is unforgivable for a movie. Bruce's jaw is too big to just be motionless while he is talking.
@uninspiredcup: Never watched Batman vs. Superman or Man of Steel, but I never liked seeing the two of them in the same universe. The Supergirl episode in The New Batman Adventures was alright just because it was lighthearted. Still, it devalues Batman's struggle having this ultra human alien fighting crime on the same planet. The animation is ugly, sorry. There isn't even much movement outside of the fights, which is unforgivable for a movie. Bruce's jaw is too big to just be motionless while he is talking.
Ehhh... yea, not gonna engage with you on this, sorry.
The idea behind the original Knightfall story-line is way better. Bane watching, Baman old,crippled. New Batman more violent Batman takes over, beats Bane but starts basically being the Punisher, old Batman comes back, beats him through the knowledge of being the real Batman he earned. Good shit.
The opening sort of follows it, his ass is old and he gets beaten up. But all the Catman needs a new ID, you in jail now, nuclear energy, oh, I was also ra's al ghul all along, post-apocalyptic. robin, nuke stuff is just a mess. Too many cooks in the kitchen.
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