Mines a 4. Theres a lot of tension between groups.
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... What 'groups'?
Like, between the people doing the college radio, and the people doing the organic food events or something?
When I was in highschool there were dumb kids fighting with dumb kids (fights, stabbings and a shooting), and there were food fights in the cafeteria on-and-off for a few weeks. But none of it was really a big deal, and any "drama" going on between people I knew could be boiled down to them being bad at communication, or overreacting for the sake of overreacting.
High School :lol:
I really don't miss the "tension" between groups. Granted, it was sometimes amusing.
I'm not in school anymore, so I'll base if off my workplace: 4/5. Too much gossip, politics, etc... Most times I stay out of it, but there are times when I'm required to give my input and basically become involved...
0 because I finished a few weeks ago :D
But a big fat 5 before it was over. I ended up just chilling with my boyfriend every lunch time and drama STILL managed to find me. For a bunch of supposedly mature 17-18 year olds in year 12, there was too much drama.
I've been out of college for six years. My only drama is having to work tons of overtime with no extra pay. Salary! Seriously, getting home after 12 hours of work only to have to clean up dog piss and fix my damn broken dishwasher... ugh. I drink a lot. You kids have it easy.
wellll almost every day now there are some religious protesters that set up with their signs on my college's campus at one of the busiest areas of the campus. it just so happens that nearly all my classes are in the building they stand in front of so i see them like every day. they have signs that say "god punishes sinners in hell. trust jesus" and homo sex is sin" and stuff like that. there's always people standing around watching them. i don't get actually WHY they do it. i don't see how it benefits them in any way.
something funny though, is that i was in the meal hall today and there was a lady at a table next to me and i could hear what she was saying to the man she was with (her husband? idk) and she was obviously mad about the conversation she had with one of the protesers. from what i gathered, one of the super religious fanatic protesters was saying they protested military funerals and all that jazz, and i could just tell she was mad :P
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