I have come to the point where we the people, are being treated unfair and immorally.For nearly a century,it appears to me that this government has successfully gave us the illusion that we are a priority to our nation and living in a democrasy. That they are enforcing nationalsecurityagianstterrorism, but what about the terrorism that occurs in our nation?Way before the CIA, the FBI was established in the 1940's, we were living inabundant peace as a nation.These entities are not forour "national Security". As much as terrorism is a major concern, it is nothing compared tocorporal crime.Do we really need 20,000 Nuclear weapons to protect us from terrorism? 8 nuclear weapons positioned incertain areas of the globe is enough to put us into a Nuclear winter. Yet all this money goes to the manufacturer ($623 Billion for national security) of weapons that wecan't even use.$85 BillionOF OUR TAX MONEY goes toCorporal welfare. Big oiling industries that on average, require 16 Billion of yearly maintainance. On average, Free Healthcare to Everyone, Everyone, not the poor, not the homeless but Everyone, would cost about 90 Billion annually. So why do industries need all this money? where is all that money going to? and does that mean the corporations come first, and the people can rot? We passed a Stimulus Bill of$800Billion, yet people are declaring bankrupcy, people are losing their homes, and mortgage companies are stillstanding on two feet. We have no money for education, we have no money for healthcare, we have no money for welfare, we have nothing.So listen to me people, the government does not care about its people, it only involves itself in situations that benefits them financially, . Where we live today is not Capitalism, its calledCorporaltism. Think about it.On the news putting blame on street violence and conflict. While any criminal needs to be prosecuted and convicted, butit means nothing compared to what truly happens. Corporal terrorism and crimeis a 261-460 Billion dollar industry. 20 million people die every year due to faulty products distributed . Do we hear any of that on the news?Because we buy a couple of measley stocks, we are living in Capitalism? So its the major corparations who control the economy
Do not believe anything what the media tells you. CNN, FOX News, MSNBC,NBC, all of them areentertainment entities, not news. What we are watching is not news, its entertainment. They tell us nothing. one hour of media coverage about completely irrational and ridiculous subjects. We do not hear anything about Corporal terrorism, about the situation in Iraq, about Welfare being directed to companies only.
Ben Franklin -"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
Thomas Jefferson -"Does the government fear us? Or do we fear the government? When the people fear the government, tyranny has found victory. The federal government is our servant, not our master."
The Declaration of Independence-"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
50-60 years ago, we have grown weaker as people of the once "free" nation. We would have been living in a better tomorrow if we had seized complete government control over its people. The Government has complete control over our lives. Would you be infavor, or would disagree yet say nothing because you believe that your opinion is not powerful enough? Next they will tax carbon emission, then . All this impedes our freedom
Our own greed is causing our nations collapse. Yet the people, The True holders of democrasy and freedom don't do anything about it? What we need is another declaration of freedom, a peoples party, free trade, and theremoval of greed.We have sunk ourselves in a hole to the point where we can't get out. We are 54 trillion dollars in debt.
If Iget killed oram announcedmissing for what I've said, Spare my message.
Theres our govenrment. The Government is the problem. We are allowing a greater power to overshadow us so we can quiet.it always has been that way.I believe that there is a greater good for the people of such a mighty country
Anyone with me?
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