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Its up to you man! If you honestly don't want anything from him and want to show him you have a problem with the way he treats you go ahead and tell him that he should not send you a gift. On the other hand, if you simply don't care, accept the gift and don't make a big deal out of it. If I were you I would simply accept it but I don't usually care what people think and I am not in your position, my father supports me in pretty much everything.
in this delicate situation, i would stress you dont need anything but cash. and if he sends you a topsey turvey tomatoe grower, send it back.
if that doesnt work, i would just call him and tell him everything you just said
I don't think it's right for you to be willing to accept cash from him but not another kind of gift. You dislike him enough to refuse anything he gives you.... except cash. That's not right. And I don't know the protocol for returning a gift, but if he speaks to you again before he's sent anything, you could mention to him that he doesn't have to send anything.
I think you need a new computer dude. Ask for that.. Who cares if he's a jerk, free stuff is always awesome.
I actually suggest you do the hard thing and pick up the phone and schedule an even to meet him and do something enjoyable and try and connect with the guy since he is still making an effort (even if it is small) to connect with you by sending a gift.
if not just accept the gift in a polite fashion.
Not taking a gift gives some people the impression that you are too good for their gift. Others sees it as you're not good enough for the gift. I guess it's like playing roulette. I usually always accept it, but I never really got offered a gift that I absolutely didn't want.Infinite-Zr0Thats a good way of putting it. And I still think you do not let personal feelings get in the way of monetary gain. Thats "friend zone" mentality.
in this delicate situation, i would stress you dont need anything but cash. and if he sends you a topsey turvey tomatoe grower, send it back.
if that doesnt work, i would just call him and tell him everything you just said
Those things look cool. I wonder if they work. I bet some stoner has already tried growing MJ in it.
IF he did send you a Topsy Turvy Tomato Grower and you don't want it I'll take it off your hands.
Seriously though, this advice is coming from someone who also grew up without a father:
Take the s***, take it all, and if he keeps giving you stuff to win his affections or assuage his guilt, then keep taking that stuff too. If you want a real relationship with him give 50% of the effort and if he gives 50% then you know your on equal footing, but if he keeps up with the 4 min. phone calls and occasion As-Seen-On-Tv gift then just use his wallet to help you out.
And of you have morals that are telling you that taking things from him makes you feel subjected or obligated to keep up a false pretense on something as huge and fragile as father/son relationship then refusing the gift is the right thing to do.
Do whatever is in your heart, but all things being equal, try to keep the stuff!!
Sometimes you gotta take the gift.
In this case: Yes.
If the gift were a severed head from the indigenous people of Australia, I'd still say yes.
You should most likely never ever deny a gift.
Unless it's Herpes. You don't wan that gift.
Don't take the gift just say that you are a man and the only thing you need are chicks and beer then you will notice that your dad will call you more often.
Don't take the gift just say that you are a man and the only thing you need are chicks and beer then you will notice that your dad will call you more often.
Uhh....yeah real life does not work that way.I'd accept it. Then in the next year begin volunteering at various youth centers or homeless shelters while getting a good education. Then get a good job and you qwould have done it through hard work. Then rub it in your dads face that you didn't have to kiss but to get where you are but you did it on your own.
[QUOTE="Rickettsia"]Uhh....yeah real life does not work that way.Don't take the gift just say that you are a man and the only thing you need are chicks and beer then you will notice that your dad will call you more often.
Come on everybody likes to talk about the thing they like.
Don't take the gift just say that you are a man and the only thing you need are chicks and beer then you will notice that your dad will call you more often.
Uhh....yeah real life does not work that way.Come on everybody likes to talk about the thing they like.
It still does not work that way. I have thirty one years of experience to back that up. usually I am flexible,but this is one case where I will say that WILL not heal years of seperation and hard feelings.FACT.Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't refusing a gift a faux pas?
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