No, it is not applicable. This person sounds like she (was it a girl? I forget.) has a phobia. There is a real health concern with mice and rats. Their urine and feces CAN kill you and they can carried bubonic plague and parasitic worms in their gut and their fleas guts.my_mortal_coil
Bubonic plague? Rofl. Since when is that a problem in the developed world? There are like 10 cases of it a year in the US alone, and from other animal vectors I might add.
Yes, urine and faeces can kill you - if you're silly enough to ingest them AND not seek the proper medical attention for when you get sick. The flu could kill you as well, and it is a common disease which we spread around. You are more likely to get struck by lightning than to die from a rodent-related illness these days. And interestingly enough, leaving a mouse alive on a glue trap will just make it pee and **** more from it - that is a greater health concern. Because if you just leave it there, and attend to the trap - you will be breathing in whatever it has excreted. And it will do so A LOT, out of fear.
Of course, that makes it entirely appropiate to torture something to death!
She is not being cruel by throwing away a glue trap with a mouse, she is being squimish ... the MAKER of the glue trap is the cruel one.my_mortal_coil
Are you **** kidding me? Really, is this you being serious here?!
Of course she's being cruel. She is starving it to death, allowing it to further rip itself to pieces (yes, leaving them on there to struggle IS cruel).
How many people do you thing actually kill the mouse on the glue trap after it's caught? 10 -15% MAYBE?my_mortal_coil
I don't know, but it's a reason why glue traps shouldn't be used. You're SUPPOSED to kill them, otherwise, they just suffer unnecessarily. You've just shown EXACTLY why it's a great case of one's regression of humanity.
Well, I didn't know that we were talking just about USA. Don't be so introverted. Diseases that we have cured off or innoculated against still kills millions of people around the world. The fact still remains that mice and rats carry a number of parasites, bacteria and viruses that can devastate humans. They are a pest.
Yes, we all know you're SUPPOSED to kill them, but I like how you deflected my assertion that almost nobody kills the mouse after it's caught on a glue trap. WHY? Well, the glue trap makes it nice and easy for you to use em; set em down, catch mouse, and THROW AWAY. It's disposable for a reason. I guess you could say millions of people are less than humane for using them, but so is the maker for making them. If we didn't have them available we would go with the messy business of a snap-trap.
And when you debate, please don't act so silly, it makes your words useless. Murdering a human DOES NOT equal throwing away a glue trap. People for time immemorial have been killing things out of fear and ignorance. I am not justifying it, but you know it to be true. THIS IS HUMANITY. THIS WILL NOT CHANGE. Get it? How are we regressing? I say we are just being human ...
Define human...
Humans are seposed to be an advaced species on this planet. We arent seposed to resort to barbaric acts such as torture and killing, we should find better ways of solving the issues.
This is not being human, this is being animal...
I guess phobias are a excuse for not trying to touch her. But this woman has a few screws loose (actualy all of em...)
She names the mice she kills, she actualy seems to enjoy the act of torturing a animal...
And nobody is forcing you to buy a glue trap. You could get a resetable snap trap thing.
But seriusly, cant you just catch the poor things and just set them off somewhere realy far away. I personaly have issues killing a fly (seriusly, i actualy regret killling a fly...)
Neither is saying that bubonic plague kills millions in 3rd world countries. Its true, but is the USA a 3rd world country? No it isnt so bubonic plague isnt a problem. Rats are about as "filthy germ farms" as your pet cat or dog...
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