I've always pondered the possibility. We've come to life once before, so it's not an impossibility that our conscious mind may recreate itself elsewhere, atom by atom, in a new brain, that's totally oblivious to past lives.sune_Gem
If it's totally oblivious to past lives then it's not really your conciousness anymore. It's someone else's. Another person with totally different life experiences, thoughts, feelings, awareness, etc.
So, would you consider someone who suffered fatal amnesia a different person?
I'm not saying I specifically believe in it all, I'm just saying it seems a more possible truth than a lot of other beliefs. The universe is always recycling things after all. Then again you can't share any sort of belief on AtheistSpot.
"Fatal amnesia"? I've never heard of amnesia being fatal, but if it were that person would be dead. So yeah, that person would cease to exist. There are different kinds of amnesia but none really result in permanent loss of all memory.
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