@Master_Live said:
@humanistpotato said:
@toast_burner said:
@humanistpotato said:
@toast_burner said:
@humanistpotato said:
If doing bad things didnt felt bad and i wouldnt get its results (getting some kind of punishment) i think i would steal/kill/rape etc. (if i could obvsly) morality is meaningless imo.
@toast_burner said:
If anyone thinks that being religious makes you a better person then chances are you are a horrible person.
well most of the religions are saying people to do good things, im not saying they are making people better, however its normal for a person to think a religious people would do more good compared to non-religious people.
Why is it normal to assume they do more good? Lots of atheists do good things and many religions encourage absolutely horrible behaviour from their followers.
Well maybe a lot of religions encourages horrible behaviour, but more popular religions (christianity,islam, i dont know anything about it but i think judaism too) encourages good things, such as helping poor people, being glad for what you have (these are good things in my opinion, i think morality is relative however we are generalising, so i dont think that matters). So in short, religious people have a reason to do something good, while atheist are doing something just for being a good person. So for a person looking from outside, it is easy to think that a religious person would do more good since he/she has a reason . Well there are fanatics, who hate people just because they are not believing the thing they believe. Or people who kills others just because of their religions. But im just saying its easy to get that impression.
I'm kind of learning English on the way (is this how you say it? lol), and im also kind of dizzy, i hope what i wrote makes sense
Christianity, Islam and Judaism also encourage homophobia, sexism and racism.
For every good thing the bible or Quran tells you to do there is also a bad thing it tells you to do, so it cancels itself out.
Well i havent read their books however i dont think for a person to be raise his children to not to be gay is a bad thing, but some religious people takes it like if we should punish gay people. I dont know if the religions actually says that, but i think its people twisting religions like we did to start wars. I dont think any religion encourages racism (i know islam doesnt at least). Well sexism part is somewhat true.
By the way when i said its ok for a person to think he/she shouldnt be homosexual, i meant, that being homosexual, or not being one doesnt hurts anybody. However general public would like to raise their children as normal, generic as possible , so its like being asocial, you dont want your kid to be asocial but if he is, you dont/shouldnt hate him/her for it. If you think being asocial is a horrible disease you probably wont agree with me. But i dont think it is, its like something in your nature, you can overcome it to some extent, but you wont completely get over it. It's like pushing down your feelings. So i thought it is somewhat similiar subject.
Would you say a person could "overcome" its homosexuality?
Sorry what i meant was acting against your own nature, and after a while it gets natural. Even tho it isnt. I think i used the wrong word
@toast_burner said:
This is exactly my point. It's impossible to raise a child to not be gay, by attempting to do so all you're doing is harming the child.
You're letting your religion blind your common sense and are causing harm to people.
Well, i think if a kid was raised around homosexual people while, everybody tells him being homo is the way to go. It's more likely for him/her to be a homosexual. But that wasnt a part of my first post.
I just said its ok for a person thinking being homosexual is a sin. As long as he/she doesnt tries to imply his thougts to others.
Anyway i dont think being gay, religous, or whatever you want to be can be accused as good nor bad, i might have my thoughts you might has yours, but some atheists acts like they are the ultimate being and being a traditional people is being a bad person or whatever. Making a moral point as if being traditional is wrong, is just wrong Some people are like acting like popes of 1400s while saying its wrong to force others to think as same as you. Im not saying you are one of them (since i dont even know you in real life i cant anyway)
Due language barrier, i cant exactly say what i want to say sometimes, sorry about that
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