[QUOTE="Lindsosaurus"]I happen to be working on my Doctorate and thus logical thinking is part of who I am. I get exactly what you are saying, I call ignorance the inability to see other people's point of view.X4D
So you are working on a Doctorate in psychology?
My interest is in physics however I believe that psychology and espeically psycholingustics are much closer to the truth than physics. Physicists are under the mistaken assumption that everything is composed of something smaller, like gold or iron is composed of atoms and atoms are composed of something smaller like electrons and the nucleusand thenucleusis composed of protons and neutrons and that protons and neutrons are in turn composed of small particles called quarks. And although we can't see atoms and electrons, physicists still insist that they objectively exist in macroscopic matter like gold and iron.
So physics is in some sense a religion, not a science.
Brilliant! I honestly never thought about it like that, although I admit my knowledge in physics is limited.
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