there are many threads on any forum where there are people who try to convert atheists into christians AND vice verca. I do however believe that these thread never serve any other purpose then people coming in to defend the reasons behind their belief system.
I used to be Christian and when I heard or read discussions about religion I never took the scientific arguments against the bible seriously. that was because I had 'faith' and felt that things didn't have to make sense, because it's God. I didn't believe in the story of Genesis, because every other religious person around me seemed to pick and choose what to believe in the bible, so why couldn't I? Homosexuals believe in the bible, yet there seems to be a bias against them in the bible. female rights activists believe in the bible, yet it¨s pretty clear that women aren't equal to men in the bible. serial killers believe in the bible, yet the outlook for them isn't too good either accoriding to the bible. so it seems to me that the bible can be interprited a million different ways to fit whoever YOU are. to be honest, if you are religious, or christian spesifically, then you really are bulletproof from any argument against religion, because the minute you yourself interprited christianity to fit your own views on life, any counter argument made against your religion is going to hit your own view on life and will instantly have you rationalize against the argument, not because the argument is wrong according to the bible, but because it's wrong according to your life philosphy. at least this is the way I look back on how I managed to stay religious. The tides did start to change when I one day realized that all the people in the world that I look up to and respect for their intelligence were all atheists. Not only atheists, but they were actually quite adamant about the problems and dangers of religion. So keeping an open mind about things, this was what started the breaking down of my 17 years of personal religious belief. It was a difficult thought at first to accept that there is no God watching over me, and it took some getting used to, especially as I lay thinking in bed before I fell asleep. But now I can confidently say I am very happy about how things turned out. I can now see more of the world for what it truly is. I don't have to live in fear or God, I can live by my own concience and it has really freed my mind.
so what I was interested to know was; are there any others out there who have drastically changed their belief system after previosuly being relatively seriously convicted by another? because I would really like to hear your stories and how it affected you. Wether you turned religious or atheist.
before you flame me, this is all IMO
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