[QUOTE="NoRemorse13"] [QUOTE="UnknownSniper65"]well he is an isolationist...Oleg_Huzwog
Wrong. He believes in an non-intervention foreign policy. He also believes we should trade and get along with other countries that view us (the United States) as arrogant.
He favors pulling the U.S. out of the U.N., NATO, NAFTA, and the WTO (among others). He favors erecting a gigantic wall along the border to keep the invading Mongolians out. Sounds like an isolationist to me.
As has been said, he is not an isolationalist. Just because he doesn't want to start wars and try and control/police the rest of the world doesn't make him so. I think if this were 60-100 years ago he would be a pure isolationalist, but he (along with everyone else I hope) knows that isolationalism is dead. Its been tried, and with the way the world is it doesn't work.
He wants to do what I would love to be done, put everyones ego's, political and religious views in the background and suck it up. Trade with countries even if they don't support the same type of government the west does. Why should it matter if they believe something we don't, if they have a different way of thinking than us. We can't force them to change, something bush is trying so desperately to do. Just trade, try to at least get them neutral towards us, there is no benefit in having enemies.
Do I believe it when he says (even though i knew this before) that people from the middle east are mad at us because we keep blowing up and staying on their land, intervening with every little thing that goes on there, hell yea. When bush made his speeches about them being Evil, souless terrorists who's only purpose is to come over here and kill us, I hope that no one believes him, but they do. I feel sad for people who believe him. He is only saying that as a scare tactic, something most of us know the bush administration loves to use.
Anyway, as far as Paul statements about wanting to pull out of these groups, and get rid of all these depts., I agree, but thats only if he can provide bills or alternatives that are better or save money. We have to admit that the FBI and CIA have been lacking and something needs to be done. Dept. of Education is horrible plain and simple. Funding to schools is not how it needs to be. I'd like to give you my follow up statement of a saying most of you have heard. "If it ain't broke (I'm from kansas thats how it goes here), don't fix it." If you ever tell me that I'll say, "If you got the time, make it better."
Now, if he does provide alternatives, its a gaurantee I will vote for him. But if he doesn't, even though I don't like any of the other candidates, I am not going to take that risk.
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