[QUOTE="whipassmt"] No political system is perfect, they all have some flaws. But in general democratic countries have been fairly well, whereas pretty much every major Communist country has a lack of freedom and has suffered economically.
You're still missing the point, which is that you're abstracting the actions of very specific examples in an attempt to disparage communism as a whole. You're completely ignoring the fact that those countries are not the only representatives of communism, and in fact are widely considered to have taken many liberties with communist thought. Most prominent communists spoke out or do speak out against totalitarianism, hell Trotsky was thrown in prison for speaking out against Stalin. The assertion that any theory of government didn't work in specific instances, therefore it could never work under any circumstances is fallacious.
So what country has Communism been good in, China? Vietnam, Cambodia?Also many of the flaws within Communism are found directly in Marx's manifesto, such as his anti-liberty desire to get rid of inheritance.
You're still missing the point. To say that communism can never work because it has never been implemented successfully is fallacious, especially when you abstract that to all communist thought and not just the style of communist regime that has been present on the world stage thus far. Vietnam and Cambodia trace their style of communism back to Stalin's cult of personality, which is derived from Lenin's vanguard party, which is an authoritarian concept that many communists vocally opposed. Marx was very specifically anti-authoritarian.
Marx is also not the penultimate source on communism. Communism is a political ideology and therefore constantly changing according to the views of its supporters. Getting rid of inheritance is not an integral part of communist theory, though it could be given any group's views. the point is that there can't be any discussion of what could be beneficial in communism if the entire ideology is dismissed and condemned because of a certain strand of that ideology.
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