Astrophysics, astonomers and other scientists are researching other stars to find planets with possible life. The goal is if there are other plantary systems like ours, with a Earth planet with liquid water then life would be there. Apparently, there is an estimate 50 stars with possible earth like planets, while there is no way to prove each one really do have life, ocean of hydrogen peroxide, or a baron wasteland.
Enceladus is Saturn's sixth largest moon at a distance of 800 million miles from the Sun, 147,000 miles from Saturn and only have the diameter of 312 miles. This small moon have shown to have activity at its southern hempishere with water vapor erupting from its cracks. There is strong evidence a heat source have caused an ocean of liquid water beneath the ice, which may contain life. One of the requirements for life to exist is a source of stable energy, the sun is one source for many life on Earth while other life is using heat energy from the core. While there is no proof, Enceladus may contain life within its ocean surviving on the energy being produced.
What if life doesnt exist at all on Enceladus? I think its important not to ignore Enceladus but use it as an example. Massive planets orbiting stars may have moons simliar to Enceladus and they might contain advanced life.
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