Waste of time, waste of energy, waste of bandwidth. Yet we do it all the time. I do it myself. If someone tells me that science cannot account for X, Y or Z i explain to them how it can. If they demand that science prove that God doesn't exist, i explain that it cannot and does not claim to.
On the flip side, the religious demand explanations for miracles, proof for evolution etc etc.
And here is why both are an absolute waste of time:
If tomorrow we found 100% conclusive proof that God does not exist, it would make no difference to someone who believes that he does. That proof was planted by satan to make you stray from the correct path. Or it is a test from God to see if your faith is strong. While there are certainly some scientists who also claim to be deeply religious, i don't think they really are one way or the other. They simply cannot co-exist.
Who agrees? :)
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