damn it.. the urge to debate... must resist.
Don't... want... to...get...modded. Sigh.
New religious guidelines suck.
I've debated religion many times since the new guidelines and have yet to be moderated under them. It really isn't that hard to debate religion without calling the opposite side names.
As far as I understand it, you only have to "offend" someones beliefs to get modded. How the heck is it even possible to debate against a religion (or religion in general) without doing this? The last moderation I got had nothing to do with calling people names, useing foul language, nor did I target any individual. I just gave my honest opinion.
I'm simply too fearful of saying anything. I feel I can't even debate religion anymore.
If your honest opinion is offensive (example: "Religion is a bunch of superstitious nonsense"), then there are ways to express your honest opinion without having to be so explicitly offensive (example: "Religion feels more like a fable than a practical idea"). The same rules go for atheism: God knows I've said some stuff about that a few times, but I haven't been modded.
I think that in order to get moderated under the new rules, there has to be some attempt to be offensive. It's not difficult at all to discuss religion without insulting the other side; people do it every day at my school and I've seen it done here on GameSpot. But people who just want to try and offend by making shock statements like in my example deserve to be moderated.
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