I will separate this post into two groups: Scary horror movies and funny horror movies. Will start with the scary since that was the one you specified!
Scary horror movies (will try to stay recent):
The Conjuring (Scariest movie I have ever watched and it only came out in 2013)
Sinister (Another top-notch scary movie that while it has a lot of jump scares, it also gets under your skin with it's disturbing plot)
The Descent (Horror movie in a cave is a BRILLIANT idea. Just an amazingly well-done movie)
Insidious Series (2 is a low point, but still watchable)
The Babadook (The subtext behind this movie makes it absolutely amazing. Watch the movie, read up on it, then re-watch it. It really is worth it)
Ginger Snaps 1 & 2 (Lycanthropy as a metaphor for puberty? Interesting enough. Has a great plot and has some truely scary scenes)
28 Days Later (Probably my fav zombie movie. Definitely a staple of the zombie genre IMO)
The Woman In Black (Daniel Radcliffe as someone not named Harry Potter? He is actually really good in this ghost movie)
It Follows (I have it lower on this list simply because I thought the pacing could be better. Has some great scares and is in general really clever)
Funny Horror Movies:
Evil Dead 2 (Old, but too classic not to list at the top)
Cabin in the Woods (Absolutely AMAZING examination of horror movie tropes. The less said about the plot, the better)
Trick R' Treat (The ultimate Halloween movie IMO)
You're Next (This movie is amazing and is so much damn fun to watch. Has maybe the best kill ever in a horror movie)
Feast (If this scene doesn't sell you on the movie, nothing will)
Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil (Surprised the hell out of me with how clever it is. Was a random netflix selection that turned out amazing)
Dead Snow (Zombie Nazi's. 'Nuff said)
Dead Alive (A Peter Jackson directed B-horror comedy)
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