Ok, my brother is 12 years old. He has this horrible pain in his knees when he bends them to pick things up ,or just doing everyday things such as running/jogging. He almost crys every time he bends his knees. It doesn't hurt while he's bending them, but when he rises up "oh wee" he burst out in pain. The pain is in both knees
Note: He's a very active soccer player, his doctor says it has something do with his muscleskeletel (spelling) system since he is predicted to be pretty tall and he's growing like a pea plant.
Please give me some remedies or something, I hate to see him in so much pain.
Ligament injuries or Tendon injuries +Meniscus tearing are conditions that can cause symptoms that you describe
if your brother ever had any injuries that didn't heal properly then any of these can be causing the pain ,i had same problem for years until
friend suggested scan,which discovered that i had torn some cartilage in Meniscus or something
after long rest(no operation) with knee fixed in position everything healed nicely.Doctors bloody Doctors
if there isn't lots of cash in something they don't want to know,kept telling me same stuff .Force your bro to rest if it doesn't improve anything
take him to Rheumatologist or a good Physio.Certainly doesn't sound good .
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