You'll end up with the same subjective idiocy that infects the MPAA and ESRB.
With the MPAA, you have studios making relatively minor cuts to a movie to avoid a stricter rating. For example, do you know how much needed to be cut from "Robocop" to ensure an R rating? Six freakin' seconds. That's all that stood between an R and an X (which, at the time, was the kiss of death for major distrbution).
Granted, it's almost as bad in the publishing industry. Take a look at Stephen King's "The Stand:" the original release is almost 500 pages shorter than the modern version. If you actually get a hold of the abridged version, you see that several pivotal scenes are shortened and some of the "flavor" of the novel has been watered down (for example: there's a great scene where some infected soldiers have a "game show"... disturbing but brilliant... that was removed in the original release). Just imagine the snipping that would need to be done on top of that if the publisher was shooting for a PG-13. :?
Just leave the ratings out of novels, please.
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