I would say apply pressure on Arab allies - specifically Egypt, to move an army in to coordinate with the no-fly zone. It would break up Gaddafi's forces, they're right now trying to blend in with the rebels using the same sort of technicals as their main weapons. They abandoned using conventional military means. Ergo, if Egypt - which has the largest Arab land army, sent SOME forces over, it could mean all the difference.
I also think if NATO troops just landed soldiers into Lbiya, occupation would not be nearly as long as Iraq or Afghanistan.
I view Libyan situation similar to the occupation of France. US and allies saving France from the Nazi's was a welcome, and occupation was pretty much smooth sailing.
you mean like their occupation of korea? oh thats right!
last time i checked, there is still a virtual enemy state called North Korea. and South Korea is our ally.
As far the snarky comment about "what Arab Allies?", under the right circumstances America's Arab allies will help, and don't give me the quid pro quo BS. even America's Western Allies play that same game. The reason being why i point to Egypt, is it's in transitional phase and at the moment it's a freer state, and hopefully will stay like that one. It is hard to tell a country like say Saudi Arabia (my country) to help liberate a country of dictatorship for democracy, where well... a monarchy is a form of tyranny.
Anyways i made my comment and stated my opinion, i'm in way too good of a mood on far more important personal topics to let this circle jerk forum get me down.
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