This guy, Cesar Rodriguez, killed his stepdaughter because she took a yogurt. He wet her with cold water, beat her with his fist, and tossed her to a room, where she was to die. Man, I want to kill losers like that.
Nixzmary was a little 7 year old girl whose crime was living with her parents. Parents tend to pick favorites, but this is the extreme. She was beaten up, severely "disiplined", had far less toys than her siblings, weighted 35 pounds, and was tortured in a never ending hell. When she misbehaved, she was put in a chair, tied with scotch tape, locked in a room, hours at a time. The sickos even put a litter box for her toilet, and cute blankets and pillows covering disney characters were strained in blood. Man, I'm a man, and even I want to cry.
Here's the link to the latest news story. He killed a 7 year old girl for a yogurt. I hope the yogurt tasted real good, cause I'm sure that's the only thing the chef will feed him in the prision that he'll rot in.
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