I'm writing here obviously worried and terrified from what happened today.
There's that guy that I'm not sure that is 100% straight, but he was talking like a lot today. I was sitting in a chair near the window in my class and was just looking around. Then that guy decided to insult me and my family. The girls are there watching. I'm insulting him too, but the *****s seems to take his side (because he hangs out only with girls). Since that I don't remember what happened. There was like a force that hit me in the head. My friends say that I've blasted off my chair and hit him with a knee in the head then started punching him in the head. Then the first thing I remember was his head between my legs and I was punching him like I want to kill him. When I realized what I do, I stood up and started excusing to the fella. I really didn't want to do it, but I did. My friend was bleeding. It was so awkward, all the girls were watching me like I just murdered the teacher. I don't know why I did it and why I don't remember nothing from the event.
Is it normal just to burst in a fury against a friendly and not to remember what actually happened? And if so, what could have actually provoked i it? I'm afraid that I might kill someone like that in the future. It was all about to defend my honor, but I didn't really wanted to hurt him so bad. And I'm usually one of these peaceful guys, that tend not to have any problems and to be friend with everybody. :?
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