I was playing FLAG football in gym class for the second quarter in a row as a returning Superbowl champ (Yes my team went all the way 8)) and we were still doing "pre-season" games to get the noobs coming into FLAG football warmed up. Anyway, I'm QB and I've been on fire lately (8)) and it was the second pre-season game and it was pretty close. My team likes me at QB because I'm fast and pretty accurate for the most part. I can't bomb the ball too far but I can get the job done.
Anyway we're tied at a touchdown a piece and I see no one is very open so I decide to run it up the right side of the field. I get passed everyone and just step into the endzone when I'm pushed ten yards out of bounds (a push + a hill) and land all my body weight on my left wrist.
CRACK! And I'm not talking about the drug.
I'm rolling around in pain cursing the world, damning everyone to hell. I was just pushed down a *** damn hill in FLAG football. Long story short I spend 5 hours in a hospital (it was busy) and get a cast and sling. Now I'm gimped for two months.
Basically I'm asking you guys... what games only require one hand? :cry:
I was supposed to be playing Dead Space this weekend! :cry:
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