I work in a retirement home as a waiter, and one of the residents who lives there is selling her car for 500 dollars. Now i know the first thought is probably that its a piece of sh!t and ya in my opinion i totally agree. But it only has 77,000 miles, the owner is old and MOST old people can maintain there things, and i mean its a CAR it obviously beats walking anywhere by a longshot. The main goal is to get from point a to be point b (of course w/o any mishaps). Anyway, the car is a 1989 Chevy Celebrity, ya its old but i can deal. It's blue and for 500 bucks i'm not complaining, at all. I still have to check up on it for any prior accidents, and all that stuff. But i'm really considering it. So what do you all think? Here are some pictures of the actual car, unfortunately i didnt take any side shots because i was in a rush but you can pretty much get a pretty good idea of what kind of car we're talking about:
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