I feel you. I'm still waiting to hear back on my grade. The class is curved quite significantly since just about everyone would fail otherwise (the professor who taught my section held the view that he could make the tests as difficult as he wanted as long as he curved the grades at the end of the year. As a result you get questions like "here's a drug. show how it works" or "you've never seen this mechanism before. Give the full arrow formulism"). I'm expecting to get a B- since that's what he told me I would probably get, but it could easily dip down into the C"s as well. I'm just hoping I did as well on the final as I thought I did since my grade is riding on that (basically if I did well I could have gotten a B. If I did terrible I could fail).
Anyway, an F in orgo could affect you in different ways depending on your goals. If you want to go to Harvard, that dream is pretty much over now. Indeed, it's going to be rough sailing now if you want to go to grad, med, dental, or pharm school. If that's your goal you need to retake the class, do much better, and make sure that the rest of your resume is of high caliber. Basically if the rest of your science GPA is high, your standardized test scores are high, and you have an impressive research background, then schools should look past the F. All that said, this is really something you should be talking to your guidance counselor about.
On the other hand, if you just wanted to get a job out of college, your employers aren't going to request a transcript so you're fine in that regard.
And of course there's always the emergency withdrawal although pulling it off either requires finding a doctor willing to go along with you on it, getting lucky in a very unfortunate way, or having some serious balls in order to make your own "luck".
You'll be happy to know though that my pre-med friends have talked to med students and doctors are our university (Emory) and they've all pretty much said that getting a good grade in orgo is very overrated. One med student said that he actually got C's in both semesters of orgo (keep in mind the fact that he's attending one of the best med schools in the country) and a doctor working at the university hospital told us that he didn't do well in orgo either but rarely uses it in his job anyway.
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