We were having our carnival at school today (The seniors last day and all) and we're all just partying when suddenly on the loud speakers the principal says, "This is a lock down, this is not a drill. Students move to inside the building." so the entire school starts panicing and running into the nearest open door they find. A couple friends and I managed to get into the library (When I then realized. . .if this is a school shooting, the library always gets hit. . ) and we ducked down in the aisles and the lights were turned off and we hid there for half and hour. There were about ten other students in there and we were all speculating on what was happening. Half an hour later they finally said we were free to leave school and go home and that the lockdown was over.
I still have no clue as to what happened, if it was a shooter or not, but the brief minutes really made me scared for my life, thinking that this could be the end, and how terrible of a way to go it could be. Has anyone else been in this kind of situation in a public place such as a bank robery, or even another scenario at school like this?
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