It all started when my friend was comming over to my house for the weekend, and i decided to change our venue to my sisters house since there is more room there, and we could actually have seperate rooms to sleep in. So we get to my sisters house, and her boyfriends there. We were just standing there trying to be friendly towards him, and.......Baam!!!! He challenges us to a yugioh duel(a yugioh match). Thats when things started getting heated up. So a couple of minutes later my friend is having a yugioh match against my sisters boyfriend, and my friend is winning the match pretty easily. Than, all my friend does is take of his sunglasses(he wears them alot) and my sisters boyfriend says, "Why did you take your glasses of????? Are you trying to say im not good enough to play you???" Thats when my sisters boyfriend grabbed my friends cards and chucked them out of the window. Even i could feel the pain my friend was going through. All of a sudden a tear came down my friends face, and he went to attack my sisters boyfriend. My sisters boyfriend is a pretty big guy(i dont mean fat, i mean big muscles and stuff) and he grabbed my friend, wacked him on the face and tried to choke-slam him(seriously, who tries to choke-slam someone in an actual fight). Than i helped my friend and punched my sisters boyfriend. He fell on the floor and my sister comes in and shouts, "what have you done". She than chucked us out of the house, so we took a handful of my sisters boyfriends cards(i must admit, he had some pretty good ones) and ran off. So who do you think is in the wrong??? I mean why would she take his side instead of mine???
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