I have to go ahead and say Limp bizkit, because they were the biggest band in the world but after 2000 they just fell of the face of the earth, in fact so much that you probably don't even know what I'm talking about, but its true, thats how far they fell from fame.
So Fred Durst was once the biggest rock star in the world, but now he works at McDonalds. "Would you like some fries with your ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN?" Yeah and and then he fell asleep on the job and fell into the deep frier and died. Now his ghost haunts Limp bizkit avenue. (In a ghostly voice.) "Its myyyyy way or the hiiiiighway!" Keep roooooollin, keep ROOOOOOOLLLLLIIINNNN!" Yeah the ghost of 90's street should be a movie! Fred Durst will be the new Freddie Crougar!
Also runners up are Vanilla ice, MC Hammer, and The backstreet boys, but atleast people rmember their name.
So what do YOU think is the biggest fall from glory in music history?
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